One of the thrifty and enterprising citizens that Switzerland has
contributed to the population of Staunton is Bernhard Ackermann, who for
the past twentytwo years has been engaged as contractor and builder
here. He was born on the nineteenth of August, 1858, his parents being
Joseph Anton and Margaretha (Good) Ackermann, natives of Switzerland, in
which country they passed their entire lives. The father owned a small
farm, in the cultivation of which he engaged in connection with
transporting by contract iron ore from the mines to the smelter. To Mr.
and Mrs. Ackermann were born six children: Margaretha, Mary and Joseph
A., all of whom are residents of Switzerland; Bernhard, our subject;
Katharine, also a resident of Switzerland; and Arnold, who is deceased.
The first twenty-three years of his life Bernhard Ackermann
spent amid the scenes of his childhood, obtaining his education in the
public schools of his native land. After mastering the common branches
he apprenticed himself to the carpenter’s trade, which he followed in
the old country until 1881. He had always been very strongly attracted
toward America, being desirous of testing the truth of the wonderful
stories he heard regarding its opportunities. So in 1881 he took passage
for the United States and upon his arrival here made his way inward to
Nevada, Missouri. After a short residence there he went to St. Louis,
then to Troy, Illinois, and in 1883 he came to Staunton, where he has
ever since lived. Mr. Ackermann has a cement block factory and in
connection with his carpentry contracting he does all kinds of cement
work. He is a competent and skillful workman as well as a reliable
business man, and since locating here has been awarded contracts for
some of the finest buildings in the town, among them being the Catholic
school, the Lutheran church and school, and a part of the public school
buildings. He has met with financial success and now owns a very
pleasant residence and other real estate in Staunton.
In 1886
Mr. Ackermann married Miss Mary T. Vollmer of Baden, Germany, who passed
away in 1904. To them six children were born: Margarietha, who is
deceased; Caroline, the wife of Frank Wysup, of Belleville, Illinois; A.
R., also a resident of Belleville; W. B., who is living in Staunton; C.
A., of Staunton; and Amy, who is living at home. In 1908 Mr. Ackermann
was again married to Miss Emma Wohlwend of Switzerland.
Ackermann is a Catholic, with which denomination his family are also
affiliated, and he is a member of the Western Catholic Union. He
recognizes organized labor, the principles of which he upholds, through
his membership in the carpenters’ union. Ever since he became a citizen
Mr. Ackermann has cast his ballot in support of the democratic party,
and has served as a member of the town council. Since settling here Mr.
Ackermann has made many stanch friends, having been found reliable in
business transactions, loyal in matters of citizenship and dependable in
all of his relations of life both private and public.
Extracted 17 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 571-572.
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