Macoupin County


Dr. William A. Brittin, of Virden, is a native of Illinois and was born on a farm near Springfield, Sangamon county, January 19, 1866. He has been in the practice sixteen years and his success in a profession which calls for the best ability and the clearest judgment is evidence that he made no mistake in the selection of a life pursuit. He is a son of Henry and Nancy (Mallory) Brittin, also natives of Sangamon county, where they spent their entire lives. The father died in 1900 and the mother was called away at the age of sixty-three years, in 1902. There were eight children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Brittin. namely: John E., a resident of Cantrall, Illinois; H. E., who makes his home in Springfield; Dr. A. L., a practicing physician of Athens, Illinois; Roger E., of Arkansas City, Kansas; Dr. E. H., who is engaged in practice at Auburn, Illinois; William A., of this review; Emma, who is the widow of William Waldron, of Athens, Illinois; and Walter, who is deceased.

Dr. Brittin spent the years of his boyhood and youth on his father’s farm and early became imbued with the desire to perform his part as a member of the great brotherhood of man and to gain recognized standing in the world. After securing his preliminary educational training he entered Brooks’ Institute at Springfield, where he was graduated in 1888. He then attended the Chicago Medical College for two years and subsequently entered the Marion Sims Medical College of St. Louis, Missouri, graduating from the latter institution with the degree of M. D. in 1895. After receiving his diploma he went to Morrisonville, Illinois, where he practiced two years and then took up his residence at Auburn, in which place he continued until 1907. For four years past he has been located at Virden and is accorded a prominent position in medical circles of this region. He is a man of scholarly attainments and as he possesses sound judgment and well developed faculties of discrimination as to the nature of diseases and the best methods of treatment he has met with gratifying success.

On the 6th of November, 1889, Dr. Brittin was married to Miss Emma M. Constant, of Buffalo Hart, Illinois. To this union three children have been born: Margery J., who died in infancy; Hattie E., at home; and William A., Jr. The mother of these children was called away in 1888 and Dr. Brittin was married in 1961 to Miss Anna H. Painter, of Streator, Illinois.

Politically, Dr. Brittin is an adherent of the republican party, but the honors and emoluments of office have no attraction for him as his interest is concentrated upon the duties and responsibilities of his profession. He is well known in fraternal circles and holds membership in the Masonic Order, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Red Men. He is a firm believer in the authority of the Bible and is a consistent member of the Christian church. A constant student and a close observer, Dr. Brittin has steadily progressed in knowledge of the healing art and is recognized as one of the skilled physicians of Macoupin county. The high position he occupies is the direct result of his earnest attention to a profession for which he is eminently fitted by natural talents and by training.

Extracted 15 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 437-438.

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