Macoupin County


George Fenton, a prosperous agriculturist of Macoupin County, resides on his well cultivated farm located in section 23, Chesterfield township. He was born in Nottinghamshire, England, in 1831.

Mr. Fenton left his native land in early manhood in company with his brother, William Fenton, and his sister, Ann (Fenton) Boyington, both of whom have since died, and landed in America on January 12, 1851. Mr. Fenton came immediately to Macoupin County, Illinois, locating in Chesterfield township, where he has since remained, having never done a day's work outside of this township since coming to the United States. He at first took up a 40-acre tract of land in section 13, which he cultivated and afterwards sold. He then purchased his present homestead and has since been actively engaged in its cultivation and improvement. He devotes considerable time to stock raising and always has on hand a great number of hogs, sheep, cattle, and horses, of which he may well be proud. Mr. Fenton also owns 130 acres of well improved land south of the homestead farm of 160 acres. He has retired from active work on the farm and spends his time enjoying the benefits of a comfortable and well appointed home, which he has gained by many years of hard and unceasing labor, and in which he takes great pride.

On January 15, 1854, Mr. Fenton took as his life companion Sarah Thornton, and 10 children were born to them, namely: Herbert, born July 16, 1855; Hannah, born May 1, 1857; Robert, born August 21, 1859, deceased October 11, 1860; Mary, born August 14, 1861; George, born June 27, 1864; Edith, born September 9, 1867, deceased November 24, 1891; Sarah, born April 29, 1870; Orange, born November 19, 1874; Calista, born March 9, 1878, deceased December 27, 1881; and Amos, born September 29, 1881. Our subject's wife died in June, 1894, having reached her 60th year. Mr. Fenton adheres to the principles of the Democratic party, but takes only a citizen's part in politics. The members of the Fenton family are Episcopalians.

Extracted 2018 May 08 by Norma Hass from Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Macoupin County, Illinois, published in 1904, pages 410-411.

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