For a period of nearly twenty years Benjamin F. Hall has been
identified with the commercial activities of Carlinville. His birth
occurred at Alton, Illinois, on the 7th of November, 1866, his parents
being John and Mary Ann (Watts) Hall, the father a native of Durham
county, England, and the mother of Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. John
Hall was reared and educated in his native land, where, when old enough,
he entered the mines. Upon his arrival in the United States he first
located in Alton, Illinois, again engaging in mining. Later he removed
to Macoupin county, continuing in the same occupation until his demise
on the 4th of September, 1903. The mother still survives at the age of
sixty-nine years, but is in delicate health.
Benjamin F. Hall
was reared in the town of his birth whose public schools he attended
until the age of thirteen, when he discontinued his studies and entered,
the coal mines. He followed this occupation for thirteen years, but
feeling convinced that there was no future in it and being desirous of
improving his condition, he accepted a clerkship in a grocery store. At
the expiration of eighteen months he purchased the stock from his
employer and engaged in business for himself. Despite his limited
education and experience as a business man his venture proved successful
from its inception, and today he is one of the prosperous merchants of
the town.
On the 12th of June, 1895, Mr. Hall was united in
marriage to Miss Anna W. Paul, a daughter of Henry and Caroline
(Plumhoff) Paul, natives of Germany. Upon their arrival in America they
located in St. Louis, where he followed the trade of wagon making. They
subsequently removed to Carlinville and for some years thereafter he
operated a grist mill but later returned to his trade. The west
attracted him and he went to Kansas, where he resided for a time, but
later making his home again in Carlinville and succumbed here on the 4th
°f January, 1896. The mother survives at the venerable age of
seventy-two years. To Mr. and Mrs. Hall have been born seven children:
Adolph, Clara, Lydia, May, Alma, Lucille and Rose, May’s twin sister,
who died in infancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall and their family
affiliate with the German Evangelical church, while fraternally he is
identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In matters politic
he is a republican, and is now representing his ward in the city council
in which capacity he has served for two terms. Mr. Hall is a man well
adapted to commercial activities as is attested by the success which has
rewarded his efforts. He is reliable, conscientious and accommodating in
his transactions, these qualities enabling him not only to win patrons
but to retain them. His progress has not been phenomenal in any way, but
it has been the steady advance which always assures permanency, and in
addition to his fine store he owns two nice residences in Carlinville;
his own home being located at 804 North Broad street.
Extracted 15 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 508-509.
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