Theodore Morse, deceased, was for many years a prominent dealer in
agricultural implements at Carlinville, and was a well known resident of
Macoupin County, where he settled at an early date. He was a native of
Hubbardston, Massachusetts, and was a son of William and Elizabeth (Stone)
Morse. His parents were both natives of Massachusetts, and William Morse was
a prosperous merchant of Hubbardston.
Theodore Morse was educated in
the public schools of Massachusetts and at an early age learned the trade of
a tinner. He came to Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois, in 1861, and
for a short period followed his trade here. He then formed a partnership
with Mr. Rourke and engaged in the hardware and implement business. This
partnership continued with some success for a few years, and upon its
dissolution Mr. Morse continued in the implement business. He was a man of
good business ability, and the strictest integrity, and the success which
attended his efforts was well merited. He continued at this line of business
until his death in 1886, at the age of 45 years. He had stanch friends
throughout every part of the county, and his death was mourned as a great
personal loss by them. Although not a man of religious tendencies, he took
an earnest interest in all worthy causes and gave them his financial support
and moral encouragement. He was a Republican in politics and was deeply
interested in his party's success, but his business cares were too
engrossing to permit of his taking an active part in politics.
1870, Mr. Morse was united in marriage with Emma Welton, who was born in
Macoupin County and is a daughter of Samuel and Emeline (Stoddard) Welton,
her father being an early settler of the county, coming here as early as
1839. She has a brother, Samuel Welton, and had one sister, Anna M., who
died in infancy. Our subject and his wife became the parents of two
children: Theodore S.; and Alice May, who died at the age of four years.
Theodore S. Morse is a civil engineer and is in the employ of the Chicago &
Eastern Illinois Railroad Company. He was joined in marriage with Grace
Munhall of Champaign, Illinois, and they have four children, as follows:
Alice Edna; Fred Theodore; Marion Grace; and David Samuel. Religiously, Mrs.
Morse is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church, and devotes a great
deal of attention to church work. She united with the church when 15 years
of age, and has been an active member since. She is a woman of pleasing
personality, and many fine traits of character, which have endeared her to
her many acquaintances throughout the county.
Extracted 2018 May 04 by Norma Hass from Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Macoupin County, Illinois, published in 1904, pages 28-29.
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