Macoupin County


Charles Walkington, who owns and operates an eighty acre tract on section 1, North Otter township, was born in Macoupin county on the 1st of September, 1867, and is a son of the late William M. and Ellis (Leak) Walkington. The parents were both natives of England, whence they emigrated to the United States in 1851, and two years thereafter settled in Macoupin county. Here the father engaged in farming in which he met with excellent success having acquired at the time of his demise five hundred and thirty-six acres of well improved and cultivated land. To Mr. and Mrs. Walkington were born eleven children: Fannie, the wife of William Clack, of Edgar, Nebraska; David, who is a resident of Greene county; William, who is deceased; Newton H., a farmer of Macoupin county; Clara, the wife of Robert S. Olderson, of Virden; Edward, who is also a resident of this county; Charles, our subject; and Nathan, who is living in Virden. The second, third and fourth child in order of birth died in infancy. The mother passed away on the 22d of March, 1872, and Mr. Walkington was married again to Miss Clara Beason, and they became the parents of three children : Albert, who is living in Modesto; Elsworth, a resident of Macoupin county; and Nellie, the wife of John Hamner, of Macoupin county. The father is also deceased, having died on the 9th of February, 1911.

Charles Walkington continued to be a member of the paternal household until he was twenty-nine years of age. He attended the district schools in the acquirement of his education, at the same time giving such assistance in the cultivation of the home farm. Leaving his studies he gave his undivided attention to agricultural pursuits, assisting first in working the home farm but later renting land from his father. After his marriage he rented his present homestead, to which he now holds the title, having inherited it upon the death of his father. Here he has been engaged in general farming and stock-raising for the past fifteen years, and has met with good success in both.

In 1898 Mr. Walkington established a home for himself by his marriage, on the 4th of September, to Miss Julia Coyle, a daughter of Peter L. and Amanda (Page) Coyle, residents of Bond county, Illinois. Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Coyle: Sarah, the wife of Marion Runfelt, of Missouri; Mary and Henry, both of whom are deceased; Julia, now Mrs. Walkington; Lucy, who married A. C. Dewey, of Bond county; Jerry and John, both living in Bond county; Nancy, the wife of Rufus Cruthes, also of this county; Mike and Purley, living in Bond county; Dolly and Etta, who are at home; Simon, who is deceased; and Clarence, also at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walkington have become the parents of four children: Everett, who was born on the 2d of June, 1899; Estell, born on the 5th of January, 1903; Glenn, whose birth occurred on the 9th of September, 1906; and Wilberta, born on the 11th of July, 1908.

Both hold membership in the Presbyterian church in the faith of which denomination they are bringing up their children. Politically Mr. Walkington is a democrat.

Extracted 18 Nov 2018 by Norma Hass from History of Macoupin County, Illinois: Biographical and Pictorial, by Charles A. Walker, published in 1911, Volume 2, pages 714-715.

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