Dr. John Ash - Physician
Thomas L. Bean - Decorator
G. H. Aylworth and Henry Boulter - Grain and implements (Successors to S. Ackerman, who died recently)
Mrs. A. E. Bean - Millinery
D. P. Berry - Carpenter
Blodget Bros, Newton & Samuel - General Merchandise
Brighton City Mills - Harrison & Charles Nutter, Proprietors
The Brighton News - Holly R. Glenny, Editor
E. P. Gilson - Reporter
Brighton House - Henry Heideman, Proprietor
John Head - Carpenter
Brightwood Cottage - Mrs. Kate B. Glenny, Proprietress
J. W. Brummer - Drayman
Fred E. Brune - Tailor
Burlington Railroad - Zac T. Kemper, Agent
William Brandt - Cooper
George A. Brown - Grain
Mrs. E. Butler - Dry Goods
George E. Camp - School Teacher
L. H. Chapin - Sewing Machines
Dr. F. A. Clement - Physician
C. W. Copley - Livery Stable - gist
Chicago & Alton Railroad - H. G. Stall, Agent
George Clement - Mason
E. J. Dain - Livestock
John W. Darlington - Threshing
John P. Davidson - Carpenter
Dr. J. T. Dickerson - Physician & Drugs
Eldorado Hotel - August Bloemer, Prop.
August Heideman - Saloon
Bruno Franz - General Mdse & Livestock
John Geiler - Carpenter
French & Bean - Groceries & Hardware
John C. Fritchie - Boots & Shoes
F. W. Froelich - Bakery & Confectionary
Dr. Alfred Gifford Jr. - Physician
Alfred Gifford Sr. - Carpenter
Ransom Holloway - Mason
C. W. Heideman - General Mdse
Joseph Howell - Furniture, Implements, Undertaking
Samuel Justison - Carpenter
Thomas L. Keas - Blacksmith
Keas & Carter - General Mdse
Kentucky Home - C. J. Yancey, Prop.
Philip Lauck - Meat Market
C. W. Kramer - Cigar Maker
John Kramer - Florist
George W. Lash - Grain
Herman Lippoldt - Threshing
Illinois Lynch - Books, School Supplies, & Notions
Edward Lippoldt - Saloon
Chris Leahr - Teamster
Brewer Martin - Dairy
Charles A. Maxeiner - Blacksmith
Merrill & Chast - Dry Goods
S. S. Miles - Dry Goods & Groceries
J. B. Moore - Carpenter
Ben Mosby - Barber
William C. Moore - Blacksmith
August Myers - Threshing
Moore House - Mrs. William Moore, Prop.
Mrs. Hattie Norris - Seamstress
A. W. Oberman - Brickmaker
R. H. Peter - Groceries
Asa Potter - Postmaster & Attorney
Ambrose Robings - Mason
August Roettgers - Harness
Gustav Sarius - Blacksmith
J. A. Scarritt - Tin Shop
Fred Schwab - Meat Market
Dr. S. A. Smith - Dentist
Wallace Smith & Charles Bliss - Dry Goods
Frank Stewart - Wagon Maker
Stratton & Amass - Bank
Prof. J. P. Strong - School Teacher
John Thole - Furniture & Undertaking
Edward W. Walton - Veterinarian
Fred Voelkel - Boots, Shoes, Harness
N. W. Waldo - Groceries
Fred Warr - Blacksmith
Gorden B. West - Carpenter
The population of Brighton in 1880 was more than 1000.
Contributed 2009 by Gloria Frazier, extracted from Brighton News, 125 Year Anniversary Edition 1869-1994 , Brighton Heritage Group, page 30.
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