Gillespie Pipeband
"My great-grandfather, James Struthers, was a piper in Gillespie. I can't identify him in this photo. Can anyone identify anyone in this photo?"
Courtesy of Dina Struthers-Stultz
Gillespie Jubilee Gypsies Band
Marvin SMITH at the piano
Courtesy of David Richard
Charles J Hutton Grocery Store in the right part of the picture. The original
store burned in the great fire of 1910 or 1911. Picture is of the store rebuilt
after the fire. The store still stands on Main Street in Gillespie today.
An advertisement Charles J. Hutton sent out in 1921. Note the phone number, #36, possibly the 36th phone installed in Gillespie at the time.
Courtesy of Larry Clark
Main Street, Gillespie - 1930s
Courtesy of Jack Ferry
Prentiss Ruyle and James Daugherty Saw Mill - 1945
Saw mill was located near Mitchell cemetery in Gillespie Township.
"These 1945 photos show the operation of Prentiss Ruyle and James Daugherty
Saw Mill located west of the Gillespie Club."
Courtesy of Gladys Campbell
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