History of and Charter for the Village of Modesto
Contributed by Robert
"The Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railroad was laid out in 1878
and completed in 1881. A group of men, namely I. B. Vancil, R. T. Allyn, H. M.
Shumway, John Hodges and Robert Horton purchased a strip of ground from Mr.
Shumway and laid it out in lots. They offered to give a lot to anyone who would
erect a business building or a home on the lot that would cost at least $500.
Some of these men built residences, rental homes, or business buildings."
Source: HISTORY OF MACOUPIN Co. Illinois, 1879. Pages 163-164.
Modesto post office was established 6 Mar 1882. Modesto was incorporated in 1896
and named by I B Vancil for Modesto CA. By 1875, the St Louis, Chicago, and St
Paul Railroad had been built in the area. Modesto is located in Sections 15, 16,
21, and 22 of North Palmyra Township. In 1980, Modesto's population was 260
residents. In 1990, the population was 240 residents. Source: Illinois Place
Names, Illinois Historical Society, 1989.
"The postal records in the
National Archives show that the Modesto Post Office in Macoupin County, Illinois
was established on March 6, 1882 with Alexander Nevins as the first Postmaster.
John Q. Fletcher was Postmaster June 28, 1897." Source: National Archives,
Archives I Reference Branch, NNR1, 97-0188. Washington, D. C. 20408. Letter of
Nov. 31, 1996.
"The first telephone was a homemade affair and connected
the I. B. Vancil home with the bank in town. In 1894, James A. Fletcher put in a
phone system that was largely homemade. He sold out to a company in Waverly. A
local company was organized and bought out the Waverly company in 1909." Source:
HISTORY OF MACOUPIN Co. Illinois, 1879. Pages 163-164.
From Macoupin
County IL Probate Records: Petition for Village Organization in Macoupin County
Probate Order Book Q, pages 178, 194, 328, 344, 345, 365, and Fee Book E.
ILLINOIS, ss. in County Court, March Term, A. D. 1896. Macoupin County,
Pleas, before the Honorable Balfour Cowen, Judge of the County Court of Macoupin
County, in the State aforesaid, and at a term thereof begun and held at the
Court House, in the City of Carlinville in said County, on the First day (being
the second day) of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety six and of the Independeence of the said United States the one hundred
and twentieth.
Present, Honorable Balfour Cowen, Judge of the County
Court of Macoupin County in the State of Illinois. E. C. Knotts, State's
Attorney Fred G. Oeltzin, Clerk P.C. Davenport, Sheriff
Attest: Fred G.
Oeltzin, Clerk. (Charter for Village of Modesto, Illinois)
And heretofore
to wit: on the 15th day of February A. D. 1896. The Same being one of the days
of the February term A. D. 1896 of Said Court held at as aforesaid: and present
as aforesaid: A Petition was filed in Said Court and the following order was
Entered of Record in Said Court Viz:
In the matter of the Petition of:
Thirty Legal Voters Residing in the Territory Bounded as follows: Beginning at
the Center of Section Fifteen: Running thence West to the Center of Section
Sixteen: Thence South to the center of Section Twenty one: Thence East to the
Center of Section Twenty two: Thence North to the point of beginning all in
Township Twelve. North of ?????/. Eight West of the Third principal Meridian in
the ??? County and State of Illinois: to organize as the "Village of Modesto"
under the General Incorporation Laws of the State of Illinois in Relation to
Cities, Villages, and Towns:
It is ordered by the Court that an Election
be held at the "Grange Hall" in Said Territory on Saturday the 14th of March A.
D. 1896. And that Jelk Allyn, J. Q. Fletcher, and L. G. Brown be and the Same
are hereby appointed Judges to hold Said Election: at which Election the Legal
Voters residing within Such Territory Shall Each be Entitled to Cast one Ballot:
"For Village Organization under the General Law" -or- "against Village
Organization under the General Law."
And Afterwards to wit: on Monday the
16th day of March A. D. 1896 the Same being one of the days of aforesaid March
Term A. D. 1896 of Said Court "Held at" as foresaid: and Present as aforesaid
the following proceeding were had and was ordered to become a part of the
Records of Said Court:
In the Matter of the Petition Petition for Village
Organization of Wm. M. Curley. Et als
And now on this day comes J. M.
Allyn and Returns into Court the Ballot Poll Books and Returns of an election
held for Village Organization under a Previous order herein. Whereupon it is
ordered by the Court that A. J. Duggan and C. T. Bouillon, Justices of the
peace, in and for Said County of Macoupin be called in to canvass the Votes now
Returned into Court by the Judges appointed to hold Said Election under the
General Laws of the State of Illinois: Such Canvasses finds the Returns of Said
Election Regular and the Results being: Fifty one votes for Village Organization
and Nineteen Votes against Village Organization: Seventy one Ballots Cast, one
being a Rejected Ballot: A majority of the Votes being in favor of Village
organization under the General Incorporation Laws. It is therefore Ordered that
such Village be Recorded as the Village of Modesto, Illinois.
It is
further ordered by the Court that an Election be held in Grange "Hall" in Said
Village on Tuesday the 21st day of April A. D. 1896 for the Election of one
President, and six trustees, one Clerk, and one Police Magistrate, in and for
Said Village and that Hiram Drum, R. J. Allyn, Robert Conlee, be and are
appointed Judges of Such Election and L. G. Brown and J. Q. Fletcher, clerks,
thereof, and Afterwards to Wit: on Wednesday the 22nd Day of April A. D. 1896
the Same being one of the Days of the April Term A. D. 1896 of Said County Held
at as aforesaid "and Present" as aforesaid the following proceedings were had
and become a part of the Records of Said Court.
In the matter of the
Organization of the Village of Modesto, Illinois: And now on this day came R. J.
Allyn, one of the Judges of the Election for Village officers of the Newly
Organized Village of Modesto held April 21st 1896 as messenger for Said Board of
Election Judges, and Return into Court the Poll Book Tally list and Ballots of
Said Election. (Identifying them under his oath.) Z. Harris and A. J. Duggan,
Justices of the Peace, were Called in Open Court Canvassed Said Returns and
Certify the Election of Hiram Drum as President; R. K. Alderson, J. G. Nead, R.
J. Allyn, J. Q. Fletcher, R. L. Conlee, and L. G. Brown as Trustees. C. W.
VanWinkle as Clerk and W. T. Brown as Police Magistrate. Ordered that Said
Person be Certified as Elected be and they are hereby declared Elected to the
Said Several Offices Respectively: the Said President, Trustees, and Clerk to
hold their offices until the next annual Elections for such offices and until
their Successors are Elected and qualified: and the Said police Magistrate for
the term of four years and until his successor is Elected and qualified.
I, Fred G. Oeltzin, Clerk of the County Court of Macoupin, County, in the State
aforesaid do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true, perfect, and
complete copy of the Record and proceedings had in a certain cause Late pending
in said Court, on the Probate side thereof, in the Matter of Organization of the
Village of Modesto in the County of Macoupin and State of Illinois.
Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed the Seal of Said Court,
at City of Carlinville This Seventh day of May A. D. 1896. Fred G. Oelfin, Clerk
SOURCE: Office of the Secretary of State, Index Dept. Springfield, Il. 62756.
Letter of Sept. 29, 1995.
On Sept. 8, 1898 John Q. Fletcher applied for a
Post Office in Modesto, Illinois. "The ( P. O. Dept. ) name of my Office is
Modesto. The P.O. is situated in the S. W. quarter of Section No. 15, in
Township 12 (north), Range 8, (west), County of Macoupin, State of Illinois. The
name of the most prominent river near it is Illinois. The name of the nearest
creek is Panther Creek. This Office is 40 miles from said river, on the East
side of it, and is 5 miles from nearest creek, on the East side of it. If on the
line of or near the railroad, on which side and how far from the track is your
Office located? 24 Rods west of the St. Louis, Chicago & St. Paul RR."(Signature
of Postmaster) John Q. Fletcher (Date) Sept. 17th 1898 Source: National Archives
and Records Administration. Washington D.C. 20408.
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