The Village of Scottville was laid out by Benjamin
Stephenson in 1835. It is on sections sixteen and twenty-one. The proprietors
were Jefferson Weatherford and Tristram P. Hoxsey. The first house was built by
James McFarlan. Its present population is about 350.
The first
post-office was kept by Sargeant Gobble. Dr. John Candle kept the first hotel.
The first blacksmith, Alfred Ruyle. The present blacksmiths, are Alvy Auston and
son, R. T. Patterson and R. H. Dowell.
Rev. Samuel B. Culp of the Baptist
denomination was the first regular preacher.
The first doctor in the
village was Wesley Goode, who came in the year 1835.
The first school was
taught by James Howard. In 1854 the first mill was built by Wm. M. Evans and
John and Isaac Mansfield.
The first child born in the village was Robert
The present business houses of the village are as follows:
Dry-goods – A. M. Green and E. Israel. Drug stores, Groceries and Hardware –
John P. Gobble, Wheeler and Hancock, and I. N. Gobble. Wagon Makers – L. B.
Smith and J. P. Clark. Furniture and Undertakers – W. A. Clark and L. L.
Hungerford. Shoe Makers – John Hoychen, A. J. Strahan and John Schermer. Harness
Makers – W. and J. Strahan. Restaurant – S. W. Clapps. Barber and Painter –
Gustave Holtkott. Freed Stable and Livery – J. W. Brannon. Carpenters – Powell
and Neighbors, and J. J. Dillon. Justices of Peace – Sargeant Gobble and J. W.
Brannon. Constable – Samuel W. Clapps. Attorney-at-Law – L. B. Smith. Town Board
of Trustees – J. M. Stahan, M. L. Wheeler, C. M. Edwards, W. W. Hewitt and John
Harding. Milliners and Dress Makers – Miss Lizzie and Julia Tucker, and Mrs. A.
Angelo. Masonic Hall – 22 by 46. Fifty members. Odd Fellows' Hall – 20 by 50.
Twenty-six members. Physicians – Peter L. Bostick, A. G. Kinkead, W. A. Dalton
and David Elder. Churches – there is one Christian and one Methodist.
Post-master – George H. Hancock.
There is a good public school building
in the village, built of brick, two stories high, and arranged for two
Masonic Lodge-- Scottville Lodge No. 426, A. F. & A. M., was
organized October 4th, 1865. The following were the charter members: P. L.
Bostick, L. J. Thompson, J. W. Ballinger, W. C. Thompson, J. H. Hale, G. W.
Hill, John Tucker, Isaac Hill, S. McCurley, S. B. Woolfolk, W. L. Wilson, W.
Carling, S. L. Boyd, J. A. Boyd, Benj. Fanning, W. A. Westrope, Wm. Fletcher,
Jos. B. Liston, H. B. Hanshaw, Gideon Hoskins, Jas. F. Hedges, James Walker, J.
F. Woodman, Joseph Liston. First officers- P. L. Bostick, W. M., J. B Liston, S.
W., J. H. Hale, J. W. Present officers.-- James Walker, W. M. , J. H. Rohrer, S.
W., W. R. Williams, J. W. David Elder, treasurer; A. J. Drum, secretary; W. L.
Powell, Tyler. Number of members 46.
Contributed by Robert Fletcher,
extracted from History of Macoupin County, Illinois, published in 1879, page
"The records of the Post Office Department in the National Archives show
that James A. Fletcher was appointed postmaster at Scottville, Macoupin
County, Illinois, on May 13, 1885. His successor was appointed on July
29, 1889."
Source: National Archives and Records Service,
Washington, D. C. 20408. In letter of April 29, 1975.
The Special Session, began and held at Springfield, on the ninth of
December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine.
incorporate the towns therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the People
of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the
inhabitants of the town of McLeansboro' in Hamilton county, the
inhabitants of the town of Fairfield, in Wayne county, the inhabitants
of the town of Scottville, in Macoupin county, and the inhabitants of
the town of Mackinaw, in Tazewell county, be, and they are hereby
authorized to become incorporated, under the general incorporation law,
notwithstanding said towns may not contain one hundred and fifty
inhabitants: Provided, said corporators are not compelled to work the
public highways more than one half mile from centre of said corporation.
Sec. 2. This act to be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED,
January 31, 1840.
JANUARY 5, 1857
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Scottville, in
Macoupin county, Illinois.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the people
of the state of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the
inhabitants and residents of the town of Scottville, in the county of
Macoupin, are hereby constituted and declared a body corporate and
politic, by the name and style of "The President and Trustees of the
Town of Scottville:" and by the name shall have perpetual succession;
and may have and use a common seal; have power to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, in all courts and places where justice is
administered, in all action whatever; to purchase, receive and hold
property, both real and personal, in said town; to purchase, receive and
hold property, both real and personal, beyond the limits of said town,
for burial grounds and other public purposes; to sell, lease and convey
property, real and personal, for the use of said town; to protect and
improve any such property as the public good may require. --------------
Section 24. This act is declared a public act. to take effect from and
after its passage.
APPROVED Feb. 18, 1857.
Office of B. P.
"Scottville, Illinois, May 11, 1885. Board in regulaar session.
Election returns of May, 8th, 1885, canvassed by the Board and found
regular, and they show that at said election, held in said Town of
Scottville, on the 8th day of May, 1885, nineteen (19) votes were cast
for organizing the said Town of Scottville under the general law of the
Sate of Illinois, and one (1) vote was cast against so organizing said
B. P. Vawter, Village Clerk." State of Illinois Macoupin
County Village of Scottville To Henry D. Dement, Secretary of State of
Illinois. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of
the original thereof now on record in my office. In witness whereof I
have hereunto set my hand this 23 day of June, 1885. B. P. Vawter
Village Clerk
Source: Office of the Secretary of State, Index
Department, Springfield, Illinois, pages 36, 1255-1262, and copy of
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