By this time nearly 2,000 Union
miners are in Virden awaiting the Alabama blacks for Lukens' shaft.
last night the word was passed to every mining town in the C. A. district that a
trainload of negroes had been sidetracked at Centralia and transferred from
passenger coaches to box. Cars. Three Gillespie miners walked all the way to
Carlinville to warn the local men. Every man as he started to work this morning
was approached by a member of the antification committee: No work today -
Negroes- Virden!" was the warning. "All right be ready in a moment," came the
instant response and in a short time 40 Carlinville miners were on the way to
Virden. Thus it was all over the district. Mt. Olive sent _00 headed by "Gen."
Bradley, over the J. 8. Staunton sent 200. Over 150 from Gillespie and Clyde
went around by Alton and came up over the C. A. Chatham, Auburn, Girard, Green
Ridge, Nilwood and Litchfield sent large delegations and every bit of track
running into Virden is being patrolled north and south for miles.
executive committee of the Mine Workers Union is said to have $1,000. In hand
with which to feed the visiting miners and thwart Operator Lukens. The men say
there is more money where this came from.
Sheriff Davenport does not
believe the Negroes will arrive today. Lukens notified him by phone this morning
that when the attempt was to be made the sheriff would be notified 24 hours in
advance. But the miners are taking no chances and as they have spies on watch in
Alabama as well as along the line, they rely on their own means of information.
Their promptness in rallying at Virden in such overwhelming numbers shows the
fight will be a bitter one, and that lives will be lost before the
Chicago-Virden coal company operates its plant with imported blacks.
The situation at Virden is unchanged. The 2,000 visiting
miners are on guard. This morning they captured four of the ex-Chicago policemen
outside of the stockade, and at the points of guns marched them to Girard and
warned them not to come back to Virden.
Lukens was afraid last night that
the strikers would destroy the stockade. The sheriff offered to swear in a
number of the Virden miners, good citizens, and the leading merchants offered to
go on their bonds as assurance they would do their duty and protect the
company's property as long as the negroes were not brought in. Lukens refused
the offer. "Doc" Davenport, the sheriff's brother, stopped within the stockade
over night to see that the guards did nothing rash. Lukens' Chicago policemen
have not been deputized yet.
Lukens reaffirmed his intention of bringing
in the negroes to operate the plant and insisted that the sheriff be in
readiness to call in state militia. The Sheriff will only do this as a last
resort. The strikers have plenty of money and are feeding the visitors. The
provisions for their dinner yesterday cost $80., an approximate idea of what it
takes to maintain such an army. Mayor Noll has ordered the saloons closed until
the present state of affairs is over. The strikers scrutinize closely all
strange and suspicious characters, and if they cannot give definite accounts of
themselves, order them to leave the place.
The operators along the C. A.
claim they are the victims of the machination of other districts. They aver that
these rival mine owners are assisting the strikers in every way to prevent the
shafts from being operated in order to have the market to themselves. If these
underhanded methods were not used they claim the differences with the miners
could easily be adjusted. Some local union men returned this morning. They
stated Virden presents the appearance of an armed camp. Strict guard duty is
done along the tacks and roads. Last night sleeping miners could be found in
barns, empty storerooms, box cars, on the sidewalks - in fact, wherever room
could be found. In reply to a query of how long the army would remain, the
answer came promptly: "Till the dog is dead," meaning till Lukens acknowledged
himself beaten.
This afternoon Sheriff Davenport conversed over the 'phone with Gov. Tanner regarding the situation at Virden. He informed the governor that he couldn't protect the town, but that he would do his best. The governor told him to get the armed body of strikers out of Virden corporate limits and disarm those that remained. He also instructed the sheriff to go out in the country and deputize farmers, and all who refused to answer the summons should be made note of and the state's attorney notified to prosecute. Gov. Tanner asked if his presence was necessary, adding that if it was he would come to Virden and size up the situation. He told the sheriff that the strikers had no business remaining in Virden, especially when no negroes were in sight. They should wain on the outside. From now on active developments can be looked for. The long-anticipated trouble will begin.
Fred W. Lukens, manager of the Chicago-Virden coal Co., appeared before
Judge Owen Thompson in the Sangamon county circuit court at Springfield Saturday
and prayed for an order of injunction to prevent a number of miners from
appearing on the property of said company and to prevent them doing harm to said
property. A bond of $2,500 was given. Judge Thompson gave an order upon the
Macoupin County Circuit court, directing the circuit clerk to issue writs
against the following persons, returnable at the January term of circuit court:
Ed Cahill, John Belden, Andrew McWhinney, L. Rothenbucher, P. F. Delehanty,
J.D. Foley, Wm. Thurton, Wm. Caskey, John Garrison, R. J. Edwards, Reuben
Graham, John Jurik, J. Bond, a Oleson, J. D. Knott, G. Beard, W. G. Caskey, Wm.
Falkington, F. W. Burnes, V. Dunnegan, Thos. Worthington, V. Bishop, Wm. Murphy,
Jack Murphy, James Cooley, A. Westbrooke, George Mothersham, Thos. Gallagher,
Peter Brown, H. Humphries, B. H. Landes. The writs were given to the sheriff to
be served today.
Governor Tanner has refused troops for Virden.
As mentioned exclusively in Saturday night's ENQUIRER, the sheriff made the
demand with a strong belief his plea would b granted. That it was not is due to
the report of a committee of the state federation of labor, which informed the
governor that troops were not needed and Lukens was playing a big game of bluff
for his own purpose. The warrants for apprehension of strikers who "coaxed' the
four Chicago policemen out of town have been issued, but that matter has been
carefully kept from publication. The results will be apparent in several days.
The sheriff who is in Virden today, received blank forms for commanding citizens
of the county to join any posse comitatus he will be required to organize in
pursuanco to the advice of the governor for preservation of law and order, and
any one who refuses to serve, when deputized, is to be reported to the state's
attorney for prosecution according to statute provided. The penalty in such case
is a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $50. Every person over 18 years of
age is liable to be called.
The local miners intercepted Henry Smith, of
Pryor, Colo., Saturday night, who had come on to work for Lukens as fire boss.
He was to receive $70 a month and showed letters from Lukens telling him to get
off at Girard, where he would be met. When Smith heard of the situation at
Virden, he refused to work under such circumstances. The union will send him
back home at its own expense.
A very prominent citizen has made the
statement that Lukens has practically succeeded in his object. This gentleman
received information from a reliable party residing near the stockade, that last
Thursday night a squad of eleven negroes were taken from a train north of Virden
and under cover of darkness, marched through cornfields and were smuggled in at
the north side, which is not closely guarded by the strikers.
long looked for Alabama negroes from the Chicago-Virden Coal co.'s Shaft reached
Carlinville at 12:10 p.m. today. The train was made up of one baggage car and
three passenger coaches. There were 200 Negroes in the coaches guarded by 30 or
40 Pinkertons armed with Winchesters. The Pinkertons were clustered on the
engine and at the entrance of every coach. It was not the intention to halt the
train here but orders were telegraphed to this city from Bloomington and were
delivered by Agent Gaines. Great excitement was around when the train pulled in.
Agent Gaines, fearing the train would not stop, had cut a stick and fastened the
messages to it that the engineer might easily grasp them from the cab. In his
haste he cut his finger severely, necessitating attention from a physician. The
messages were said to be very important, being minute directions for the train
crews to how they should proceed into Virden and land the negroes.
the south switch at Virden was reached the engineer slowed down and a thousand
miners swarmed around in a second. The engineer pulled on several hundred yards.
Slowly, but as the throng of strikers increased, orders to pull out were given,
and the train steamed on to Auburn. Once again had the strikers foiled Manager
The advent of the Alabama negroes aroused great excitement. The
phones rang, the telegraph wires clicked and reports were as thick as fleas on a
hot day. The long distance phone was captured by the St. Louis papers and the
wires were burdened with messages to the same, as a consequence very little
authentic news could be obtained.
At on time the engineer of the train
and a hundred persons were shot; another report said every deputy in the
stockade was killed, and that as the train passed through the Pinkertons fired a
volley, killing two Mt. Olive miners and killing three others.
What gives
partial credence tot he stories, even though they are doubtless exaggerated, is
that Springfield, Mt. Olive and various other towns were asked to send on
physicians at once. Mayor Fuchs, Editor Tillman and others at Mt. Olive received
bulletins from the scene of trouble and they stated that Drs. Bernreuter and
Binney were making strong efforts to get there on a special train if it could be
Another message came from the operator at Virden who stated that
he was afraid to put his head out of his door on account of stray shots. He saw
several wagonloads of wounded men driven past the depot.
A late report,
unconfirmed, however, says Billy Cain, C. A. chief of detectives, was fatally
shot, and that he will be taken to St. Louis on No. 46, the afternoon limited.
A report came, via Litchfield, that Manager Lukens had been chased into a
building and was surrounded by angry miners; people in dire fear living near the
scene of combat had deserted their homes.
Later advices state that large
delegations of miners from Mt. Olive, Staunton and Gillespie left for Virden on
the afternoon train.
A telegram received by Thos. Williamson of Mt.
Olive, from "Gen." Bradley, mentioned that no Mt. Olive miners were killed, but
the following were wounded: Geo. Simbarger, Wm. Long, _____ Wevelselp, E.
Kellogg, Joe Stigel.
The Enquirer obtained communication with Virden at 4
p. m. over the long distance pone. Geo. Sewall, editor of the Record, gives the
following brief account:
At last account 10 persons killed and 11 were
The known dead are:
KITTLER, Mt. Olive
EDWARD WELSH, Springfield
A.H. BRENNAN, Girard
The other dead have not been identified. Supt. Eyster, manager of the company
store is not expected to live. A C A. detective, believed to be Cain, was killed
at the depot. When the first attempt to land the Negroes failed, the train was
pulled to Auburn and afterwards it was backed down and the attempt made to back
it in on one of the four switches into the stockade. Then the carnage began.
Upon the deputies within the stockade lays the crime of firing the first shot.
The strikers replied. Deaths were recorded rapidly. The engineer is said to be
killed and the fireman fatally injured. Thetrain was pulled out into the country
with all the Negroes on board. Governor Tanner has been in communication with
the Virden authorities and troops are momentarily expected. It is positively
affirmed that another attempt will be made this evening to land the Negroes
within the stockade. Virden is in mourning and the scenes of suffering would
wring the hardest heart. Every effort is being made to relieve the agonies of
the wounded.
Late advices state there are 11 dead, 7 seriously injured
and 10 slightly. Lukens is said to be badly wounded. The manager of the company
store is killed. One woman is dead. No commentary upon this riot, the saddest in
Macoupin County history, is needed. It speaks for itself.
Buried in
Girard Cemetery:
Dob: 12-18-1848 near Hannibal, Missouri
Dod: 10-12-1898 at Virden, Illinois
Following is the list of
casualties thus far reported:
D. H. KILEY, Chicago Alton
Detective, Chicago
FRANK BILYEU, Springfield, miner
Olive, miner
ED WELSH, Springfield, miner
JOE KITTERLY, Mt. Olive, miner
ALBERT SMITH, Mt. Olive, miner
A.H. BRENEMAN, Girard, miner
Chicago, deputy
WILLIAM H. CARROLL, Indianapolis, deputy
PRESTON, Chicago, guard
ED GREEN, Mt. Olive, miner
J.F. EYSTER, Supt.
Climax store
Joe Haines, Girard, miner: shot through leg
Joe Runk, Girard, Miner: shot in arm and hand
George Runk, Girard, miner:
shot in body
Billy Herman, Girard, miner: shot in chest
George Limburger,
Mt. Olive, miner: wounded in both legs
Ernest Ling, Mt. Olive, miner: two
wounds in chest; will die
George Burton, Mt. Olive, miner: shot in stomach;
badly wounded
George Jubjek, Mt. Olive, miner: shot in arm
Wevsiep, Springfield, miner: shot through foot
Louis Unger, Springfield,
miner: shot twice in right leg
H. Gritgesel: wounded in shoulder
Snyder: shot in face and legs
J.W. Moonan, St. Louis: slightly injured
J.J. Hanna: slightly injured
J. H. Smith, Chicago: slightly injured
Sinnegan, Mt. Olive, miner: shot in foot
Russell Warren, Centralia, miner,
shot in thigh
Ansk Ankel, Mt. Olive, miner
Ed Upton, Springfield, miner
Thomas Jennings, Springfield, miner
Joe Baston, Mt. Olive, miner: shot in
Joe Sprim, Mt. Olive, miner, shot in arm
William H. Clarkson,
Leavenworth, Kansas, deputy: probably fatally
H. A. Kyger, Bloomington,
engineer of C. A. : shot in arm
Willaim Masser, St. Louis, deputy
Palmer, Nebraska, deputy
Patrick Moor, Virden, employed by operators
Ernest Ryan, colored Alabama, miner
Eleven men killed and a score or more
injured is the result of the riot between striking miners and guards at the
Chicago-Virden coal Company at Virden, Ill., shortly after noon yesterday.
Of the dead, six are striking miners, one was a private detective for the
Chicago and Alton railroad, two were employees of the Thiel Agency of St. Louis,
acting as guards or deputies, and another was a guard at the mine stockade.
The tragedy was the climax of the troubles brewing at Virden for the last
several months.
The operators attempted to land a train load of negroes
from Alabama at the mine to take the place of the strikers.
The later,
1,500 in number, were on hand when the special train carrying the blacks reached
the depot at Virden, under guard of 40 or 50 private detectives.
As the
engine rolled into the station several miners on watch to give the alarm when
the nonunion men arrived, discharged Winchesters.
At this the guards, it
appears, opened fire on the miners and when the train reached the mine, several
blocks away, a fusillade of bullets followed. The deputies attempted to lead two
negroes into the mine. This further infuriated the strikers, and they opened
fire vigorously, compelling the deputies and negroes to retreat.
Then the
general battle followed. A number of deputies, stationed in the tower above the
pit of the mine, fired volley after volley into the ranks of miners.
firing continued for 20 minutes, when the train pulled out with its dead and
wounded and without landing any of the negroes. The dead and wounded strikers
were cared for by citizens of Virden, while the guards hurt and killed were sent
on to Springfield.
Governor Tanner was informed of the riot and ordered
troops to the scene, part of them arrived last night. Others will get in today.
Martial law has been declared.
The Governor blames the operators for the
trouble and declares that they should be prosecuted for murder.
Tremendous excitement prevails in Virden.
Excitement at Pana also runs
high as a result of the trouble at Virden, and a crisis is looked for there.
State President Hunter, of the Mine Worker's Union, was beaten over the head
by two deputies and kicked off the train bearing the negroes just outside of
Springfield. He was endeavoring to get the negroes to go to the union men's
headquarters, and charges that he was thrown off the train by the order of
Operator Yorke of Chicago, the company's agent in charge of the blacks. Mr.
Hunter is seriously injured.
J.F. Eyster, manager of the Chicago Trading
Co. the Chicago-Virden Company's store, was shot and then stamped to death by
the strikers. He had been himself particularly obnoxious and in the fight had
shot several miners.
Sheriff Davenport has published a statement in which
he says he is not responsible for the riot and claims that Lukens did not give
him notice that the train was coming. He says the strikers ordered his two
deputies out of the place.
Ex-Lieut. Thos Preston, a guard at the
stockade, was shot and killed when the militia arrived about 10:45p.m.
Capt. Craig with batter D and 200 men were transferred from Pana to Virden and
have the town under guard. More troops are being hurried forward.
President C. W. Laucks of the Coal company made public statement in which he
says the company was right in its cause, and that Governor Tanner is to blame.
He says that the company will take means to secure legal redress against all who
prompted abetted or participated in the riot whether miners, miners' officials,
state officials or others. " the company will determine just how far a governor
can annul and evade the duties placed upon him by the constitution and law of
the state."
All was quiet in Virden today and the blacks when last heard
from had been taken to Atlanta.
Virden Ill.
Sept 14 (note - date as printed - psr) The Enquirer received word about 4
o'clock this afternoon by phone from Virden, that state warrants were issued at
Springfield for F. W. Lukens, President Loucks and others on a charge of being
responsible for the recent riot.
Marshal Riffey went to the stockade to
serve the warrants, but Captains Craig and Young refused to turn Lukens and
Loucks over tat the time. They will be sent to Springfield this evening.
At 3:30 this afternoon a detachment of soldiers went to the stockade, searched
it and threw the gates open. They will camp in the stockade. Two troops of
cavalry are expected to arrive this evening.
A number of the ex-Chicago
policemen left this morning for their homes. They were not molested by the
Eyster is till living and has a fighting chance to recover. His
Masonic friends are keeping his whereabouts a secret.
Another wounded
deputy was sent home today. The miners are quiet, not making demonstrations of
any kind. The work of the inquest is going on. No Negroes in sight.
trains entering Virden are being searched by the troops lest the blacks be
An Effort to Fix the Blame on the Guilty Parties - Two More Wounded Men Die -
Another Attempt to Land Negroes Frustrated by Troops
The troops still
control the situation at Virden. Two more wounded miners have died. They are Wm.
Harmon, of Girard, and Ernest Long, of Mt. Olive.
The miners from other
towns have returned to their homes.
Today in Springfield, Girard and Mt.
Olive the funerals of the dead miners are being held.
In Mt. Olive, by
order of Mayor Fuchs, every store and business house and the public schools ere
closed. Civic organizations, minors' unions and children of the public schools
participated in the funeral procession.
Last night the train bearing the
negroes was again run into Virden, but he militia refused to let the blacks
______. Manager Lukens made a formal protest.
Coroner Hart began
yesterday to hold an inquest. He empanelled a jury and two bodies of those
killed in Wednesday's bloody conflict were viewed. The jury held its inquest in
the city hall, a little brick building in the center of the public square, where
J. Franklin Eyster was so badly beaten by the infuriated mob.
The first
witness called for examination was the check weighman of the Girard shaft. Lt.
J. Peck. He stated that he was on the platform at the depot when the firing
commenced. He saw Detective Kiley when he received the wound in the abdomen
which cause his instant death. Peck stated that he believed Kiley was shot from
the train and that he was facing the north when he was shot.
Cahill, one of the leaders of the Virden strike, who was the first man mentioned
on the list of the injunctions served last Monday, followed Peck on the stand.
Cahill believed that Kiley had merely dropped on his face to avoid the bullets
that came like a hail storm from the stockade.
"Shots were fired by
someone on that train before it reached the depot," declared Cahill, "I also
believe there was a considerable firing form the tower at the shaft before the
miners started to fire. I ran to the pasture where the men had fallen and saw
all the bodies, but recognize only that of Ellis Smith, of Mt. Olive."
"There were some signal shots fired by the men stationed at the south switch as
the train approached. These shots, I am positive, were fired into the air and
not at the train, from which the first bullets fired to kill came. The miners
had strict orders not to fire on the train or the tower at the shaft.
don't hesitate to say" continued the witness, " that the sheriff of Macoupin
county and the Chicago-Virden Coal Company are responsible for every death. The
sheriff was asked and pleaded with by me and many others to stop the train at
the station so we could talk to the men, but this he refused absolutely to do. I
repeated my request to him not more than thirty minutes before train arrived,
and had many times asked him to do it."
The next witness was W. W. Brain,
a farmer residing at Lowder. He said he saw the shooting from the coaches and
from the crowd on the ground. He declared that he saw several puffs of smoke,
from the tower at the coal shaft, but said he could not swear who fired first.
"I was at the depot when the train came in," said Fred Laughman, of Girard.
He swore that he had heard the committee of strikers ask Sheriff Davenport to
stop the train at the depot. "I heard the sheriff refuse to do it. Detective
Cain, of the C. A. was next appealed to, but he declared that it was impossible
for him to stop the train." Laughman then said: "When the train reached the
south shaft there was a fusillade of shots from it. As it passed the depot fire
belched forth from the Winchesters in the hands of the deputies on the train.
They seemed to be fired directly into the crowd collected in the street. The
firing did not come until the stockade was reached and by this time both sides
were shooting."
In conclusion, Laughman said: "I saw Kiley killed. The
shot that carried his death came form the stockade. I believe from the tower.
The first firing was from the train and from the stockade.
The next
witness was Edward Griffith, of Girard, who was near Abraham Brenneman when he
was killed in the pasture. "The shot that caused Brenneman's death came from one
of the windows in the front car. Brenneman was but ten feet from the pasture
fence when he was killed. I also saw two others fall, but did not know who they
were. The firing from the tower began when the firing from the train ceased."
Griffith positively stated that there was no shooting from the men in the
pasture until they had bee fired upon by the train guard and the man in the
tower. "The first shot I saw fired came from the stockade before the train
reached it." Several shots, he declared, were fired from the tower before the
rain reached it. These were aimed at the crowd at the depot, he believed.
Chas. Sprowell was another witness who saw the shooting. He resides on the
east side of the railroad near the pasture in which the miners were stationed.
"I think the first shot was fired by the guard in the rifle tower." Said
Sprowell. The tower, he declared, was erected during the morning before the
battle. The man in the tower was firing south. The men killed in the pasture
were running from the _____ in an easterly direction when the shots that caused
their death came from the train." The men in the tower _____ shot first into the
crowd at the _____ and then turned their guns on the men in the pasture. "As the
train reached the east gate of the stockade ______ men came from the gate and
began in _____-ing south at the crowd." was Sprowell's finishing statement.
Miss Sybil Wilbur correspondent for ______ a Chicago paper, was on the ____
when the battle began. She stood with Detective Kiley. A few minutes before she
had been talking to a newspaper man and when she saw Kiley fall she thought it
was the reporter. She _____gardless of the rain of lead, knelt by the side of
the dead detective. She was a witness on the stand and told what she had seen.
She declared that Kiley was killed by a shot from the stockade.
Clancy, who rushed to the battlefield and administered extreme __unction to the
dying, was another witness. He told about the same story as told by the others
who had seen this fight from the field.
There were about thirty-five
witnesses and it will be several days before the testimony can be completed and
the jury's decision is rendered.
The executive committee of the strikers
were advised by their attorney, Wm. Mooney, that Manager Lukens could be
indicted for murder, and the Thiel and Pinkerton men held as accessories.
President Loucks of the Chicago-Virden coal Co., says the state government
will be held responsible for the riot.
The negroes are now in Springfield
with no one caring for them. They are in a pitiful plight.
Virgil Bishop, one of the leaders among the striking union miners at Virden, Ill., swore out a warrant against President Fred W. Lukins, Manager T. C. Loucks and Director Yorke of the Chicago-Virden coal company, charging them with conspiracy to murder, as a result of the riot at the company's mine Wednesday, in which a number of strikers lost their lives. H. Gutgesell, O.J. Snyder, James Sickles, Frank Wilder, Thos. McEntee, J.W. Moonan, R.J. Hanan and J. H. Smith, guards employed by Theil's Detective Agency to protect the train load of negroes which the company attempted to land at the mine, are also included in the charge. All of these persons accused were in the shaft at the mine. A deputy marshal took the paper there to serve, but the company's attorney protested that to remove the men then would endanger their lives and Colonel Young commanding the militia, promised to be responsible for the men until such time as they could be taken away with safety. The wounded Thiel guards left Virden for St. Louis last night. If the prosecution so desires they will be arrested. The coroner's inquiry into the cause of the death of the guards and miners was continued all day yesterday and is still in session. Dr. C.A. Peterson, of St. Louis, was the first witness examined at the stockade, and it would seem from his evidence that the coal company proposes to deny all responsibility for Wednesday's riot. The Doctor said: "The firing done by the stockade guards, while the battle was being fought, was all done from outside the stockade. There was no man in the tower of the coal shaft, and no men were placed in the sentry boxes until after the fighting was over. The only shooting done from the sentry boxes was by a man who was fired upon from two of the miners' houses near the stockade, and he fired only one shot in reply to those from the houses." Continuing, the witness said: "Capt. Preston, who had charge of the men, did not anticipate that the miners would fire on him and for that reason told his men not to fire when they left the stockade. "They will do a lot of shooting in the air," was Preston's remark, "and will try hard to frighten the negroes, but there is really no danger." The first shot from the guard was when two of the men were hit and someone shouted, "They are firing on us, boys. Take care of ourselves."" "I came here on Oct. 4," said Dr. Peterson, " and have since been here as counsel for Mr. Lukins. I witnessed the firing between the miners and the guards, and was standing near the men who were killed here when they fell. During the firing two shots were fired from within the stockade, but some of the guards who went to the east gate, when the attempt was made to land the negro miners, fired. I know positively that there were no men in the tower, for I know where every man was placed. "We had just stepped outside the stockade when we were fired on, and two of the men were shot. Then some of the guards fired in return. Capt. Preston and I shouted to the men to get back in the stockade, and in a little while they were all in. While the train was coming in there was a perfect fusillade of shots, and it sounded like a Gattling gun. The shooting was from both side of the railroad track. "The men in the pasture east of the stockade formed in a sort of semi-circle and the volley was fired as soon as the train stopped. The firing was continued until their weapons were emptied, and then they commenced to run east. Morgan was shot just after the battle was over, as he stepped out of the gate to look out. He said: 'My God, boys, they have got me,' and fell. He did not speak again. He died in about 20 minutes. James C. Espy, of St. Louis, Mo. A train guard, employed by the Thiel detective agency, said: "I heard no shots as we neared the city. As the train was passing Virden platform I saw a man raise a revolver and fire several shots. Then came a perfect fusillade. It was a hail storm of bullets. There were three coaches containing colored miners. On coach counting guards. In the caboose were Detective Cain and other railway detectives. The firing from the train began when the train was half way between the coal shaft and the depot." "I, with several others ran to the front platform following Capt. F. C. Shoemaker, Wm. Messer and a guard named McEntee. When McEntee turned his face towards me I saw blood streaming from a wound in his head. The train was half way between station and cola mine when Messinger fell into Capt. Shoemaker's arms, whereupon the captain gave the order to get back into the cars. The firing was kept up from both sides of the track until train reached the south side of the stockade. A spent bullet came from the west side of the track and struck me on the left cheek. I then ran into the car and as I crouched beneath a window a bullet came through the wainscoting and grazed my head, burying itself in the opposite side of the car near a window. The men on the train returned the fire when the train was half way between the station and stockade. Capt. Shoemaker said to us: "Don't fire a shot under any circumstances except in defense of your lives. The probabilities are that a number of shots will be fired by strikers in the air to frighten the Negroes. Under no circumstances are you to fire unless you are absolutely certain the shots are being fired at you or the train." "I have been with the agency since September 15. Prior to that time I was secretary to Chief of Police Lawrence Harrigan, of St. Louis." "Did you use your gun that day?" asked Attorney Mooney. "I refuse to answer the question ," replied Espey. "I suppose that is your right if you do not wish to incriminate yourself," said the lawyer. "We were on that train to protect the lives of passengers and property of C. A. railroad company. There were 106 negroes on the train. Some of them were children. I noticed one infant particularly. It looked as if it was not more than 10 days old. "I am positive that not a shot was fired from the train until two of our men were wounded. When I stepped into the gate, Guard Morgan was shot and fell into the arms of Dr. Peterson. I suggested that we retreat to the tower for safety. The guards on the inside cried out, 'No, don't go up there, as it would mean suicide. It is simply a shell and would afford no protection." O.J. Snyder testified as follows: "I live in Cahokia, Mo. I am working for the Thiel Detective agency. Prior to April, I was deputy United States marshall in eastern Missouri. I was in the second coach. Firing commenced at least a quarter of a mile from where the train stopped. There was no firing from coaches until all windows were shot out of train." Thomas P. McEntee, with his head and faced filled with buckshot and his coat covered with blood, was the next witness. He said: "I was hired by the Thiel detective agency and went to Fulton, Ky., to meet the train. I was on the rear end of the last coach before we got to the station. I did not know we were approaching Virden and stepped back on the platform. Just as I stepped out I was shot in the face, arm and legs. I first heard firing on the outside. Mr. Griffin, of the detective agency, hired me, and told me were to guard the train bearing the negroes. Mr. Griffin said the C. A. Railway company hired the agency to guard the train. Mr. Shoemaker gave me a Marlin rifle and told me not to use it until the command was given, but no such command came that I heard. The train was passing the depot when I first heard the firing. I was carried into the stockade. I did not hear any firing from train until after the shots came from the outside. There were about thirty men, six women and four small children in the car on which I was riding." P.J. Harran, St. Louis, lying on a bloody bed in one of the houses within the stockade, said: "I have been with American army at Santiago. I was a guard on the train bringing negroes to Virden. When the firing first started we were below the town. I think there were from 200 to 500 shots fired. There was no firing from train until after these shots came from the outside. I do not know who fired. Glass flew in all directions. I got seven buckshot in me as train approached stockade. I made two attempts to get on platform and was wounded both times. Negroes grabbed me to make a shield of me. I had to struggle with all my strength to get away from them. I was hired by Mr. Thiel, of St. Louis, to protect railroad property and passengers train. Nothing was said about Chicago-Virden Coal company." Mr. Patton asked the witness: "You say you was at Santiago, do you?" "Yes, sir; here is my discharge from the army." He then handed the paper to Mr. Patton, who examined it and found that Harran had been a packer and had been discharged Sept. 15. Continuing, he said: "When the train stopped I jumped from the car and broke for the stockade. I have seen considerable fighting, but that was the hottest battle I ever saw by a force of the same size. I am positive that there was no firing from the tower. I did no shooting myself." H. Gutgesell, the next witness, who was one of the men who was too badly wounded to be moved, gave his testimony form his bed. He said: "I reside in St. Louis and am employed by the Thiel detective agency. I was in the stockade the day of the battle. I was near the gate when the firing commenced. As train stopped I stepped out the gate and was shot. I saw no firing from the stockade or the train. I am wounded in the left side of neck and in left shoulder. I was hired by Theil detective agency to protect Chicago-Virden Coal Company's property. We were to be paid by Thiel. We were each given guns. I had a Marlin rifle. I understand that I was put here to protect this property. I saw the crowd at the depot and heard the firing. No guns were fired from tower of shaft and I saw no one in the tower. After I came here I did not see any strikers outside, but could hear them talking on the outside.
Today Judge Robt. B. Shirley in circuit court issued an order calling for a
special session of the grand jury to meet Wednesday Oct. 19 to investigate the
causes of the Virden Riot and to return indictments against the guilty parties.
The order verbatim reads: It appearing to the court that the regular grand jury
heretofore impaneled at this term of the said court has been dismissed and it
further appearing to the court that a special occasion has arisen since such
dismissal that urgently demands investigation by the grand jury, and the said
court not being adjourned, but being still in session , it is hereby ordered
that said grand jury be again summoned to be and appear in said court, in the
court house in Carlinville, in the county of Macoupin, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a.m. on Wednesday Oct 19, 1898.
Dated this
15th day of October, A.D. 1898. The same jury which convened at the opening of
the present session of court will again serve during the riot investigation. The
members are:
M. Brown - Chesterfield
A Ambrose - Western Mound
Bloome - Shaw's Point
John Hackney - Hilyard
F. Heimbolt - Mt. Olive
Drennen - Chaokia
Ed. H. Dickerson - Nilwood
R. Z. Johnson - Carlinville
L.B. Corbin - Polk
H. E. Atterberry - Scottville
J.C. Trimble - Girard
S.W. Tappan - Carlinville
B.E. Parker - Shipman
A.J. Roberts - Virden
A.O.K. Young - Girard
J.N. Coerrer - Staunton
N. Barnes - Honey Point
J.H. Behrens - Gillespie
R. Welch - Hunter Hill
John Gossman - Dorchester
C.J. Miller - Barr
Geo. Walton - Brushy Mound
Ed. Relchmann - Carlinville
Last night the soldiers on guard at Virden were kept on the quivive by frequent firing into the stockade after 11 o'clock. The soldiers searched diligently but could not find who did the shooting. Lukins does not venture out of the stockade as he has been strongly advised that his life will be in jeopardy if he does while feeling runs so high. With his clerk he is busy packing up the company's books and papers preparatory to their removal to Chicago. Although the general offices of the company have always been in Chicago, ostensibly, practically all of the business has been transacted at Virden. This will no longer be the case. The effect of the strike and Wednesday's riot upon the town is already being felt most keenly in other ways. Several of the merchants are selling out their stocks preparatory to moving to other places. Placards on one of the stores announces flatly that the business is being closed out as a direct result of the strike, and because the proprietors "can see no prospects of an amelioration of the present deplorable conditions." The Thiel guards are still within the stockade under guard. They will be turned over to the civil authorities when the military authorities think it is safe to do so. The coroner's jury resumed its labors again Saturday morning inside the stockade. The first witness examined was William Gould, who testified as follows: "My residence is in St. Louis. I was brought here Oct. 8 to take charge of the main gate of the stockade. I told the Thiel detective agency that hired me that I was too old to do any fighting. On the day of the fight I let the wagon with Eyster and the doctor into the stockade. Eyster stayed only a few minutes and drove away. The first shooting I heard was below the depot. I heard four signal shots. There was more at once, and this quickly melted into a volley. There was a lull until the train came to the stockade. I heard men yelling outside the fence, 'come on, come on, you s------s of b------s; you got us into this, now help us. Don't hang back there, you'll shoot your own men.'" B.B. Burton, a Chicago paper hanger, who served as guard at the stockade, said that he had worked at the stockade, and after that was done he acted as cook for the guards. He told about the same story as the others of the fight. He also testified as follows: "I was appointed as deputy sheriff with twenty-five others on one Sunday. The sheriff took us to the office with an open book in his hand. He read from a book and had us hold up our right hands and take an oath as officers. I thought I was a deputy sheriff Oct. 12 when the fight took place, but I did not fire a shot. I know that Capt. Preston, James Sickles and A.W. Morgan were deputies also. The sheriff didn't say anything about our not being residents of Macoupin county." At 12 o'clock the jury took a recess until 1:30 p.m. During the afternoon three more of the guards, Hanon, Smith and Bahems, were examined. Their testimony as to the fight did not differ materially from that already produced. They were all from Chicago and had been in the stockade several weeks. They all swore they understood they were deputy sheriffs. On of them said they were all in the boiler room before the fight commenced. They refused to follow the lead of Capt. Preston, as the sheriff and his regular deputies were there. They claimed they told the sheriff to lead and they would follow. He told them to go ahead and he would come in a minute. This was the last they saw of the sheriff. They also deny that any shots were fired from the tower. G.H. Thiel, manager of the St. Louis detective agency bearing his name maintains that his men who were in the Virden riots were there to protect the negroes and were hired by the Alton. Thiel sent 124 of his emergency men.
From the evidence before the coroner's jury in the Virden riot cases it is evident somebody is doing some lying. Guards inside the stockade swear before the jury that they were sworn in as deputies by Sheriff Davenport, while the sheriff claims they were not. This, together with who was responsible for placing stands of arms inside the stockade will all come out in evidence before the courts. The Sheriff still persists that he did not swear in Lukens' men and that he did not furnish the guards with arms. We want to see this matter sifted to the bottom and find where the responsibility lies.
The work of
the inquest continued through yesterday. The United Mine Workers Union has sworn
out warrants for manslaughter against eleven of Lukins' detectives. They are:
James A Blackford
H. H. Newman
H. K. Wyman,
J. C. Shoemaker
Leslie Swafford
J. E. Gerken
I. J. Irney
C. J. Fox
J. H. Bingham
Charles Keigh
and C. G. Sims.
None of these men have been allowed to
leave the stockade as yet, but are under arrest and subject to order of the
marshal. About fifteen of the guards against whom no complaints were made, were
permitted to return to their homes in St. Louis. They were afraid they would be
mobbed as soon as they left the stockade and Col. Young sent a detachment of
twenty men to guard them as far as Carlinville. He will also guard the men who
have been placed under arrest, the governor having sent instructions to put a
force of soldiers around the jail where they are locked up if he thinks it
necessary to do so. State's Attorney Vaughn is very busy getting the evidence
brought forth at the coroner's inquest in shape for the grand jury. Sheriff
Davenport left for Virden on the morning train with official papers and
instructions bearing on the case. The sheriff swears that none of Lukins' guards
were deputized. He answers that when the first load of negroes passed through
Virden, he had informed the men in the stockade their services might be needed..
No trouble resulted and he then told them that all who had been deputized or
deemed themselves deputies were released. The sheriff claims Lukins tried to get
"Doc" Davenport to do what he (the Sheriff) refused to do - namely, swear the
guards in. The sheriff claims on the fatal day he was guarding the switch which
led from the south into the stockade where the big throng of miners were
congregated. He says that the message which was given the train crew here
directed them not to stop at the switch according to the original program, but
to pull up several hundred yards further, parallel with the stockade itself.
Attorney Patton of the Coal Company says that an attempt will be made to indict
Gov. Tanner and if possible, impeach him. The Chicago-Virden Coal Company is out
with a proposition to arbitrate the difficulty. The state miners organization
has the matter under advisement. The story is now being circulated that the
company wishes to sell the plant to the Consolidated Coal Co. as Chas. Ridgeley
of Springfield, representing the latter syndicate, has been in consultation with
the Chicago-Virden officials.
proposition to arbitrate the differences between the Chicago-Virden Coal Company
and the miners has not been well received by the latter. They are not desirous
of settling while Lukins' is superintendent. Troop C and Battery B have been
sent home to Chicago and Galesburg respectively. The Coal Company has gone on
the bonds of the 11 detectives arrested for manslaughter and they returned to
St. Louis last night. The 8 Chicago guards were sent home yesterday morning. The
troops and Manager Lukens are all that are left in the stockade.
coroner's inquest was resume Tuesday morning and was held in the stockade and
the cross-examination of F. W. Lukins was completed. Nothing new was developed
by this cross-examination.
Max Kline, the non-union miner who was beat up
the week before the battle, was also placed on the stand and testified that it
was Jack Murphy, one of the leaders among the miners, who did the work. The jury
then inspected the _____fence of the stockade that received the full force of
the fire and the tower and then adjourned down town, where a number of other
witnesses were examined this afternoon. The jury is in session tonight and will
also work tomorrow.
Sheriff Davenport was the star witness of the
afternoon session. He swore that the day the first train load of negroes passed
through Virden he went up to the stockade and Lukens (note: Luken's name
continuously spelled differently throughout entire article-psr) asked him to
swear in what men he had there. Sheriff Davenport said that he told the men that
in case of emergency he would call on them, but hat he did not administer any
oath to them. About half an hour afterward, he found out that they were hired at
Chicago. The next morning, he said, he revoked all authority given them. The
night before the battle he was sent for and came up to Virden on the late train.
He went tot he stockade the next morning and Lukens asked him to swear in what
men he had and on his refusal Lukens told him that he could not get men anywhere
else and that the statures allowed him to use these men, and he replied: I don't
give a d-n; I will not use any of your men." Lukins told him that they ere to
head in on the C. A. passing track, and asked him to see that this switch was
thrown. He started for this switch, but the train reached there before he did
and he then started to go back toward the stockade, and was about 100 yards
north of the depot when the train passed him. He saw four men on the rear end of
the train shooting, two of them west, on east and one south. It was the man who
was shooting south that killed Kiley, the C. A. detective. Others were also
shooting from the sides of the cars. He also saw men falling in the field. He
then went to the square and secured a buggy and drove to Girard, where he
telephoned to the governor. Several other witnesses were examined, but nothing
new developed.
In pursuanco to recall the grand jury
assembled in the court house at 1:30 p.m. today to investigate into the causes
of the Virden riot and return indictments against the guilty parties, Judge
Shirley's charge to the body which is an unusually intelligent and
representative one, was a model in point of lucidity and judicial impartiality.
He exhorted them to investigate with unbiased judgment into the trouble and not
to be swayed one way or the other by fear of affection.
No guilty person
was to be screened. Law was to be maintained. As the coroner had appeared before
the court this morning and stated the inquest was not finished, nor was he
certain that it would be concluded within a week's time, Judge Shirley
recommended that the grand jury should adjourn to a day following the rendering
of a verdict by the coroner's jury. At the conclusion of the court charge, the
grand jury went into session and decided to adjourn till the day following the
election, Nov. ___th, when the evidence brought forth at the inquest and the
witnesses will be in readiness for use.
Manager Fred W.
Lukens, of the Chicago-Virden Coal company, left Virden last night guarded by a
detail of two officers from the Third regiment who accompanied him as far as
Springfield on his journey to Streator, where he will join his wife and
children. Mr. Lukens has been practically a prisoner in the stockade since the
battle of the 12th.
The bond in his case was fixed at $1,000. No doubt is
expressed about Lukens appearing for trial as he has shown himself to be a man
of remarkable personal courage. He would have left the stockade long ago but for
the advice of his attorneys. On the day after the battle he proposed to come up
town to attend the coroner's inquest, but Col. Young thought it best or him to
remain within the enclosure and had the coroner's jury go out to the stockade.
Deputy Sheriff Webster left last night for Chicago with the warrants for the
arrest of T.C. Loucks, president of the Chicago-Virden Coal Company and W. S.
York, the director, who is held as being directly responsible for the riot
because of his persistency in bringing the negro miners here. The feeling
against those two men is very great and there may be trouble when they arrive in
case they are brought to Virden to give bond.
There is a prospect of
Macoupin county having a neat sum to pay as a result of the battle. It is
understood that the Chicago Alton railroad proposes to put in a claim for the
damage that was done to its train and for the killing of Kiley. It will also ask
to be compensated for the damage the resulted by reason of its failure to land
its passengers there. This will be followed by similar claims and the
indications are that the riot of last week will be quite as expensive
proportionately as the court house.
Considerable excitement was created
Thursday morning by some firing in the vicinity of the stockade. The rumor
rapidly spread that another battle was on, this time between the miners and the
soldiers, but there was nothing to this tale. The soldiers have been having a
hard time of it during the past few days and they are suffering greatly because
of the weather. The are anxious to go home. They will be kept at their posts
sometime longer from present indications.
The coroner's inquest is still
grinding away on a lot of evidence which is not of much importance for the
witnesses refuse to testify definitely. It will be the middle of next week ere a
verdict is reached.
A special to the
Post Dispatch says: "The startling reports sent out by certain St. Louis
correspondents that Lukens was in danger of assassination by Virden miners is a
libel on the men referred to. Virden miners are not assassins. They regard
Lukens as an enemy to their interests, but there has been no plot hatched to
murder him."
The coroner's jury has adjourned till Thursday. Nothing
especially now was brought out yesterday.
Co. E left Virden last night
for Peoria, Co. B left for Elgin and Co. H. also goes home to DeKalb. This will
leave two companies of the state troops in Virden, and they will probably stay
for some time - at least until the coal company is able to look after its own
President Loucks, who was arrested in Chicago by Deputy Sheriff
Webster, did not desire to come to Virden to give bond so it was agreed by
attorneys for the miners and the company that Justice A. J. Roberts, should go
to Chicago, Monday and accept the bond of the coal company's president.
Yesterday's testimony had much to do with J.F. Eyster, the company store
manager. It was clearly shown that Eyster had had nothing to do with the fight,
but drove from the company store in answer to a phone call from the stockade to
bring a physician to attend the wounded men. He could have saved himself by
reaming in the stockade after performing his errand of mercy.
The Story
that the Chicago-Virden Coal Co. is to go into the United States court and ask
for a receiver is again denied by the officials and attorneys of the syndicate.
Illinois department of the United Mine Workers of America will provide for the
widows and children of the coal miners who met their death in the Virden Riot.
For two months, each coal miner in the State Of Illinois will be taxed 50 cents
per month and the proceeds will go for the support of the widows and children.
As there are between 25,000 to 30,000 miners in the state from $25,00 to $30,000
will be collected for their benefit. This action was decided upon at a meeting
of the State Executive board held yesterday at the Green Tree Hotel in
Springfield. The meeting was presided over by State President Hunter.
money will be placed in the hands of a board of trustees, consisting of James
Boston, of DuQuion, Albert Davis, of Springfield, and Thomas Williamson, of Mt.
Olive. The board will give a joint bond of 410,000.
This money will not
be distributed to the widows and children in a bunch, but will be paid out as it
is needed. In all probability each widow will be given a weekly allowance for
their support and the support of their children. The board of trustees will b
instructed to see that each child is given a good education and that the boys be
taught trades other than that of mining coal. All contributions from the public
will be received by the board after an organization has been affected. In a few
days the executive board will send out circulars to every miner in the state
asking for his assessment of 50 cents for the first month.
Corporal Chas. Francis of Troop A, First Illinois Cavalry squadron, was taken from Virden to his home in Chicago last night, suffering from a bullet wound sustained in a skirmish with rioters in the town. The soldier's injury is not serious but it is painful and he will be laid up for several weeks. The skirmish in which the corporal was injured occurred last Monday night but the matter was kept secret by the officers and nothing leaked out until last night when the injured man was taken to Springfield on his way home. The militiamen had a brush with a number of rowdies during Monday night and several shots were exchanged. Francis received a slight flesh wound in the groin which would have proved serious had the bullet struck one-half an inch to one side. Since that time the injured soldier has been under a physician's care inside the stockade surrounding the Chicago-Virden mine. Yesterday he was deemed sufficiently recovered to return home to Chicago and a detail of three men from his troop accompanied him. The soldiers are positive no miners participated in the riot in which the soldier was shot. They say the rioters are a lot of lawless characters who have been attempting to show their fearlessness of the soldiery. Everything is quiet now at Virden with the exception of the trouble which is being caused the militia by the rough characters referred to. Friday night several of the characters carried a battering ram up to the gates of the stockade and left it there, evidently with the intention of frightening the soldiers. The plan failed to work, however, and the soldiers are all eager for an opportunity to test their mettle in a substantial way.
Yesterday concluded the taking of evidence before the coroner's jury at Virden. Very little that was new was developed. Wood Marble, who operates the old Virden shaft, testified that he was able to pay the scale of 40 cents and operated his mine successfully. His evidence is in direct contradiction to that of Manager Lukens, who declared it was an impossibility to pay the scale of wages and run the mine unless at a loss. The engineer and fireman, of the south shaft, testified that they saw Lukens' guards shooting from the tower in the stockade. One of them viewed the battle through a field glass. The trouble at Green Ridge between Operator King and his miners is likely to be adjusted. Mr. King will operate his mine at the scale price as an experiment. He will not desist unless the project is a losing one. He says he is willing to keep in operation as long as he pays expenses best to give employment to the men. Mr. King and the striking miners have been playing an amusing comedy of late. The mine operator gave the miners notice to vacate the company houses and they had fifteen days in which to get out. At the expiration of that time they moved, but they only changed houses and the operator was chagrined to find them still in possession. The next time he got out another sort of writ to oust them, but they fought the cases in the courts and owing to the inefficiency of the service, the miners beat sixteen of the cases. At his wits end the operator suggested a compromise. The C. A. is taking up the switches which lead into the Chicago-Virden company's stockade. It is not known why this is being done.
The boys who were wounded in the Virden riot all getting along nicely. Joe Raunk, who was shot through the chin, is able to be on the street, and his brother, George, who was shot three times, is also out of danger. Joe Haynes, who was shot in the leg, has discarded his crutches and is once more walking in his natural form. Many of the miners from here had narrow escapes. It is amusing to hear them tell of being shot through their hats, coats, and even trousers.
The Republican party is having its troubles. Executive
officers are calling each other names and it is hard to tell where the matter
will end. John R. Tanner and P.O. Davenport, two apostles of the gold standard,
which grinds down the price of labor, are at war with each other as to who was
responsible for the murder of twelve men in the Virden riot. The sheriff has
become so enraged over the stand taken by the governor that he writes the
following letter, giving his side of controversy, and sake us to publish it:
It is one thing to say a man has not told the truth and quite another thing
for such a statement to be true, even when made by such a personage as Governor
Tanner, the executive of the great state of Illinois. Such remarks as Governor
Tanner made at Murphysboro in his speech to the miners, in which he referred to
our conversations concerning the Virden trouble, before and after the riot, are
false and rotten as the man who made them. In my defense, and for the benefit of
placing matters right before the public, I state that governor Tanner
misrepresented the facts. In the first place, Illinois' executive never gave me
the sage advice which he recited so glibly at Murphysboro in his speech. It was
not necessary for me to consult the governor as to my duties. We have attorneys
here who know the law and whose mission it is to inform the sheriff on all
matters pertaining to the requirements and limitations of his office. John R.
Tanner did ask me if those men in the stockade did use the guns provided by the
state and I said "No." He knows my answer, however hard he may endeavor to
distort the truth simply to win votes. I strenuously object to being
misrepresented even to afford the governor capital to further his political
projects. Before the trouble and the riot occurred I dispatched to Attorney
General Akin to ascertain whether in any way the coal company could compel me to
deputize those Chicago and St. Louis guards in the Lukin's stockade and in
Lukins' employ. I did not do this on my own account, but to satisfy the demands
of my bondsmen. As to my own action in the matter, I had previously been well
advised. I presume that the attorney general also advised the governor in the
matter. During the whole deplorable affair, I stood a friend to the miners,
notwithstanding all reports to the contrary. This remark made by Governor Tanner
is as untrue as the report in circulation that I was to receive $1,000 if the
negroes were safely landed within the stockade of the Chicago-Virden coal
company. All I ask in this matter is fair and honest treatment. I firmly believe
that all fair minded and unprejudiced people will agree with me that had
Governor Tanner answered my frequent and urgent demands and entreaties for
troops when they were made, the riot would have been averted. With the mass of
people I wonder why in the name of God, humanity and common sense he did not
send troops to Virden to prevent the negroes from being unloaded, to disarm the
miners as well as the detectives and guards, protect the lives and property of
citizens before the trouble occurred, the very step he took after that bloody
battle had become a blot on the history of Macoupin county and state of
Illinois. The governor freely admitted (I am surprised that he did) that as
sheriff I repeatedly wired for troops as the danger was imminent and of grave
magnitude. The public has had evidence of how stubborn he acted in the matter.
Had he done his duty as I did mine, not a guard, miner or negro would have been
killed and the blacks would have not been landed within the stockade. The state
would have been spared a lasting disgrace, and John R. Tanner would have
obtained his share of the glory just the same. He would have saved me the
trouble of refuting his insinuations that the sheriff of Macoupin county had not
done his duty and told him the whole truth. One thing I wish made explicit is
that Governor Tanner did promise to send troops. On the fatal day just a few
hours before the train load of blacks arrived, I called up the executive from
Virden over the long distance telephone and stated the situation clearly, that
there were 2,000 armed strikers congregated, that I had no guards or deputies,
nor could I obtain them, and after a lengthy conversation, in which the governor
could not have misunderstood the facts, Governor Tanner said, "When there is a
riot, I will send troops." I was sworn in as sheriff of Macoupin county to do my
duty, protect the lives and property of its people and I have done my duty in
all things as I best understood it and did so in the Virden riot case. Did the
governor of the great state of Illinois do his?
of Macoupin County
This afternoon Hamilton and Patton, of Springfield, attorneys for the Chicago-Virden Coal Co., of Virden, wired Attorney Thos. Rinaker to have the injunctions against Ed Cahill and 34 other miners dismissed at the Coal Company's cost. The formal motion will be made in court tomorrow, but the suits are now practically dismissed. The injections it will be remembered were granted by the Sangamon circuit court on oath of Manager Lukens, before the Virden battle occurred and some of the leading miners in the district were enjoined. By this action it appears that the company does not intend to make any legal prosecutions and this may be the first step in an attempt to arbitrate the whole trouble.
A dispatch from Virden dated Oct. 30 says that local indications point strongly to the opening of the Chicago-Virden coal company's shaft in the near future, and on a basis satisfactory to all. Much of the bitter feelings of the past few weeks has, in a measure, been allayed, especially to the Chicago officers of the company and it is believed that, with a new manager, an agreement could be reached. Many of the men employed in that shaft have left the city and secured employment elsewhere. Many of those who remain are men with homes, and are desirous of work. In conversation today one of the leaders said: We feel that we have fully demonstrated to the company our determination not to permit colored criminals to take our places, and we will demonstrate to them our desire to do justice to them if they will meet us halfway, and in friendly spirit. We are not outlaws, but citizens, and only ask for justice; but we will not deal with Lukens. The statement above probably meets with the approval of a majority of the men.
Two hundred dollars was last week sent to Virden by the State organization of the Miner's Union to be expended for clothes and shoes for children of the miners not working. A committee of ladies had the fund in charge, and had the children gather at Meyerstein's where the purchases were made and the sum judiciously spent. None but children going to school received benefit from the fund, as it was considered that was the way to secure the most good for the greatest number.
This morning Adjutant General Reece at Springfield called up sheriff Davenport by phone and notified him that the state troops would be removed from Virden today and asked the sheriff to send several deputies to assume charge when the troops departed. Sheriff Davenport asked the Adjutant General to keep the soldiers there till tomorrow when he would be in better shape to cope with the situation. Now that the differences between the miners and the operators are practically settled, the presence of a military force is no longer deemed necessary. The Sheriff thinks there isn't much need for deputies, but will probably send several for form's sake.
The long bitter fight at Virden is over and the miners have won. Last night the whistle of the Chicago-Virden coal company's shaft blew three times, carrying the welcome news to the strikers who have been out since last February that work was to be resumed. Today a number of men went down into the shaft to clean up and put it in readiness for full operation. The final settlement took place in Chicago yesterday and the company practically acceded to all demands of the striking miners. The company agrees to pay the union scale of 40 cents for hand work and 33 cents for machine work. The agreement was reached after a long standing conference. The bone of contention was the wage scale and the result is a district victory for the miners. The meeting was held in the office of President Loucks, of the coal company, attended by acting President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America; President Hunter and Secretary Ryan, of the Illinois Mine Workers' Union, and President Cahill, of the subdistrict branch of the state union, in behalf of the miners, President Loucks and Manager Lukens representing the coal company. The meeting lasted until late in the afternoon, arranging the minor details of the agreement, including the disposition of the imported negro workers, and the stockades. President Loucke refuse to talk on this subject, but President Hunter said he had no doubt an amicable agreement on all points under discussion would be reached without difficulty. The inference has been given out that T. C. Loucks of the coal company has bought up the majority of the stock and will operate the mine himself. He is a businessman of good methods and knows how to deal with his employees in a way which it is hoped will avert future trouble of the kind Virden has experienced.
Contributed by Carolynn Jones Bettis and Pam Ripplinger
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