Submitted 2000 by Christine Rice Harris
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: August 26, 1878
Obituary: Sat. Aug. 24th, Aunt Clara RICE, after three months
of intense suffering, passed away quietly, peacefully, like one going to
rest. Mrs. RICE was born in Virginia and when 13 years of age moved
to Kentucky, from thence to Morgan County, this state, but remained there
only a short time, and about the year 1830 she moved to Macoupin County,
settling on the farm now owned by A. FARMER, where she continued
to live until 13 years ago, when she went to make her home with her daughter
Mrs. S.J. STEIDLEY, where she has since resided. Had she lived until
today, she would have been 81 years old. Her husband has been dead for
22 years. Mrs. RICE was one and the last one, of the M.E. Class
organized here, has lived a zealous Christian life; simple and unassuming
in manner she was respected by all who new her. At her funeral Sunday our
four denominations were represented in the pulpit, each participating and
delighting to do honor to true Christian Merit. Mrs. RICE leaves
five children and a host of friends to miss her kindly face. There is an
incident connected with this lady that is so extraordinary I cannot forbear
its mention. Three of the RICE brothers married three sisters and
raised large families in our midst, and now the brothers and sisters that
were so closely united in life are all resting quietly in our cemetery. PEN.
Submitted 2008 by Mary Richardson Neff
Name of Newspaper: Unknown, Edwardsville, IL
Date of Obituary: 1/25/1915
Obituary: End Came Quickly Harry B. RICHARDSON Expires at
CUNNINGHAM Residence He Was Making a Visit Here When Stricken By Pneumonia
Harry B. RICHARDSON, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CUNNINGHAM
of 520 South Buchanan Street, Edwardsville, died at the CUNNINGHAM home
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. RICHARDSON suffered from
pneumonia. He was downtown last Monday and did not become seriously ill
until Thursday, when a doctor was called. The funeral will be held at the
CUNNINGHAM residence tomorrow afternoon at 2:45 o'clock, Rev. Jas.
R. SAGER, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, being in charge.
On Wednesday morning the body will be taken to Barnett, east of Carlinville,
where services will be held in the Christian church at 10 a.m. The interment
is to be at Barnett. Six cousins, all of Barnett, and all named
BARNETT, will act as pall bearers. Harry B. RICHARDSON was
born on May 18, 1877 at Barnett, and died January 24, 1915 at Edwardsville.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. H.T. RICHARDSON. At the age of seventeen
years Mr. RICHARDSON and his parents moved to Carlinville. He was
married at Carlinville July 19, 1898 to Miss Sarah CUNNINGHAM. Immediately
after the ceremony was performed the couple moved to a farm near Barnett.
They resided there until Setpember 1914 when the family went to Ashland,
Oregon, where they remained until January 1, this year. Since that time
they have been living with Mr. and Mrs. CUNNINGHAM in Edwardsville.
Mr. RICHARDSON became a member of the Christian church at Barnett
at the age of twelve, and served as a deacon in recent years. He is survived
by his wife, two sons, Harold, age 14 and Thomas age 9, his father, who
lives in Carlinville, and a sister, Mrs. William GREEN, of Barnett.
His mother died at he home of her son at Barnett, September 17, 1906. Mr.
RICHARDSON was a young man of splendid qualities, who was kind and
affectionate to the members of his relationship and just an_____ ____tial in his
dealings with hi___ ____ men. He is remembered with respect and esteem by all.
Submitted 2003 by Robert Richardson
Name of Newspaper: The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, KS
Date of Obituary: August 9, 1929, Page 2
Obituary: Israel Thomas RICHARDSON was born Feb. 12, 1869, at Chesterfield,
Ill., and passed away Tuesday morning, Aug. 6, 1929, at 2:45, at Newton,
Kas., at his home at 509 West Fifth. When he was quite young his parents
moved to Texas then to Kansas when he was about ten years old. On Nov.
22, 1900 he was united in marriage to Miss Mildred CAMPBELL, and
they lived in Newton since that time. To this union were born nine children,
six daughters and three sons. One daughter died in 1920. Mr. RICHARDSON
worked for the city of Newton about forty years. He joined the volunteer
fire department in 1889 and was one of the drivers of the first horse drawn
fire truck in this city. He has since served on both the police force and
fire department. He was a member of the A. O. U. W. lodge. He was well
known and respected throughout Newton and Harvey county, was a good father,
a faithful husband and a true friend. He suffered a nervous breakdown six
years ago and was in ill health since, being confined to his bed most of
the last two months patiently bearing his suffering until the end. During
the past year he gave his heart to his Savior and lived a consistent Christian
life until his death. We shall miss Israel RICHARDSON, but we shall
meet again on a brighter shore, for "We know that if this our earthly
house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house
not made with hands, eternal in heavens." Mr. RICHARDSON leaves
a great number of relatives and friends, including his widow, Mrs. Mildred
RICHARDSON of Newton, sons Walter, Sedalia Mo., Albert, Strong
City, Kans., John, Denver, Colo. daughters Mrs. Melvin CHAPMAN, Newton
Belle, Pearl, Ruth and Faye, brothers, E. R. of Wichita, Frank, Newton,
Leo, of New York city, sisters, Mrs. Ida PACKER, Liberal, Kans.
Mrs. Ethel STEWART, Wichita, Mrs. Alice KNOBLOCK, Huntington
Park, Calif., Mrs. Elsie GORDON, Newton, step-sisters, Mrs. Grover
SHIDLER, Stillwater, Okla., Miss Eva CHAPPLE, Newton, aunt,
Mrs. Robert PACKER, Newton, uncle Thomas RICHARDSON,
Wichita, cousins, Mrs. E. L. DAVIS, Newton, Mrs. Russel STEVENS,
Newton. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist church Thursday afternoon,
Aug. 8, conducted by the Rev. Irvin F. PARKER of the Church of God,
in the absence of Rev. A. R. HARDY, pastor. Pall bearers were Chief
F. P. MOORE, Charles WESTON, Fred FAGAN and Ralph
KNEE of the fire department and Chief Jack SNYDER and Bob
BROWN of the police department. Interment was in Greenwood
cemetery, with the Carter Funeral Home in charge.
Submitted 2008 by Connie Clark
Name of Newspaper: Virden Recorder
Date of Obituary: June 4, 1886
Obituary: Martha Ellen RIFFEY, nee SWARTZ, died the seventh day of May
1886, in North Otter Township, county of Macoupin, State of Illinois, aged 35
years,7 months, and 16 days. The deceased was born September 21,1850 in
Botetourt County, Virginia and was married to Mr. Fredrick R. RIFFEY
1/26/1870; immigrated to Illinois with her husband and children. She was
identified in church relation with the German Baptist, but shortly after
arriving in Illinois, she, with her husband, united with the M.E. church.
She lived a devoted Christian life, a faithful wife, and affectionate mother.
She had a vision of loved ones (long ago departed) just before she died,
and calling them by name- her only sister (Mary), her sister's little girl
(Jennie), also her own little girl (Gertie BELL), her mother and
her husband's mother, all clothed in beautiful white. Her funeral was attended
by a large company of sorrowing relatives and neighbors. The sermon was
preached by her pastor, Rev. W W MCKINNEY from the text found in
the 13th chapter and 7th verse of John. She was laid to rest till the first
resurrection in the cemetery at Pleasant Hill.
Submitted 2010 by Gloria Frazier
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: February 21, 1923, p5 col2
Obituary: RIGSBEY, Ann Eliza (CONN). Ann Eliza, daughter of William and
Margaret CONN, was born in Garrad County, Kentucky, Feb. 26, 1846, and died at
her home in Chesterfield, February 11th, aged 76 years, 11months and 16 days.
She was united in marriage to Geo. WARD to which union were born two children
- Boone, who died in infancy, and Mrs. Maggie Ione BANKS, of Chesterfield.
She was married a second time on Jan. 29, 1877, to J. W. RIGSBEY. To this union
were born two sons and two daughters, viz.: William A. RIGSBEY, of St. Louis;
H. C. RIGSBEY, of Springfield; Mrs Anna May CLARK and Mrs. Della
Valentine BRUCE, both of Chesterfield. She was converted when but a child and
placed her membership in the M. E. Church in Chesterfield, August 22, 1891. She found joy in
the service of God. she had a good understanding of God's word and tried faithfully to instruct
her family in His will. She was anxious to lend a hand to the unfortunate.
Deceased was the last of a large family of children and lived to be older than any of the others.
She is survived by her husband, five children, fourteen grandchildren and six
great-grandchildren. Funeral and interment were held Tuesday, February 13th.
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: February 14, 1923, p 4, col. 3 (typed as is)
Obituary: Death of Mrs. RIGSBY. Funeral services for Mrs. Eleanor RIGSBEY,
aged 80 years, who died Sunday at her home at Chesterfield was held Tuesday. Mrs.
RIGSBY who was born in Kentucky, has resided in the Chesterfield vicinity most of
her life and is quite well known. She was married to J. W. RIGSBY in 1877.
The decedent is survived by two sons, W. A. RIGSBY of St. Louis and H. D.
RIGSBY of Springfield; three daughters, Mrs. John BANKS and Mrs.
Wallace BRUCE, both of Chesterfield and Mrs Henry CLARK of
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: February 14, 1923, p.5, col 2
Obituary: Chesterfield items - Sunday, February 11th, occurred the death of an esteemed
friend and neighbor, Mrs. Anne Eliza RIGSBEY, wife of John W. RIGSBEY.
For several years she had been in poor health, but bore her affliction with christian patience
and fortitude. She was a kindly woman, a loving mother, finding her greatest happiness in
her home, her grandchildren, and her flowers. We extend our sympathy to her sorrowing
husband and children.
Submitted 2010 by Gloria Frazier
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: January 4, 1933, p3 c4
Obituary: John Wm. RIGSBEY, son of William and Margaret RIGSBEY,
was born Oct. 10, 1854, in Garrard county, Kentucky, and departed this life at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Wallace BRUCE, on Dec. 27, 1932, at 7:30 a.m. aged 78
years, 2 months and 17 days. He was married to Mrs. Anna Elizabeth COON WARD
on Jan. 29, 1877. To this union four children were born -- William A. of St. Louis,; Henry Clay,
of Springfield; Anna May, now Mrs. W. H. CLARK, of Carlinville, and Della V. now
Mrs. Wallace BRUCE, of Chesterfield. Mr. RIGSBEY joined the Methodist
church August 22, 1891, under the ministry of W. T. HEATER. He is survived by
his four children, two brothers, namely: Robert H. RIGSBEY, of Chesterfield, and
D. J. RIGSBEY, of Crab Orchard, Kentucky, two sisters, Mrs. Amelia ROSS
of Paint Lick, Kentucky, and Mrs Lucy ANDERSON, of Big Springs, Texas; a large
number of nephews and nieces, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mrs.
John BANKS is a stepdaughter. He was a member of the M. W. A. lodge, No. 894,
of Chesterfield. The funeral was conducted by Rev. F. A. BUCHHOLZ. Music
was furnished by Mrs. W. W. DAMS, Mrs. Frank DAMS. Mrs. Elmer
KEELE, pianist. Those in charge of the flowers were: Mrs. John KRENZER,
Mrs. Harry PETERSON, Misses Alice RIGSBEY, Matilda and Mildred
BRUCE. The following served as pallbearers: John KRENZER,
Geo. CLARK, John BRUCE, Robert RIGSBEY, Dave and
Charles RIGSBEY.
Submitted 2007 by Marilyn Trover Galvan
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: June 29, 1898
Obituary: Demise of Mrs. F. W. RING. Mrs. F. W. RING died at her
home in Girard, Thursday eve at 8:30, after a brief period of serious illness. Being
advanced in years when she was stricken her demise was anticipated. A telegram Thursday
afternoon summoned Geo. SIEGEL and wife and Mrs. August ZAEPPFEL
to the bedside of their dear old friend and they went up on the accommodation,
reaching there only in time to see her pass away. Mrs. RING is well
know to all our older residents and had many intimate friends in this city
where the family formerly resided. The funeral occurred Saturday morning
from the residence in Girard.
Note: Charlotte EICH RING was born Jan. 20, 1848 and died on June 24, 1898. She married Frederick Wilhelm RING on June 26, 1863. She and her husband are buried on the west edge of the Girard City Cemetery.
Submitted 2007 by Ruthann Rives Hellemeyer
Name of Newspaper: Argus
Date of Obituary: March, 1920
Obituary: George W. RIVES died at the Nazareth Home in Alton,
Ill., on Monday, March 29, 1920, at 11:20 a.m., of hardening of arteries
following an illness, which had continued for several years. He was aged
82 years, 5 months and 13 days. The deceased was born on the old Rives
homestead, six miles southeast of Greenfield, May 13, 1837, he being the
son of Rev. James and Elizabeth (HOOD) RIVES. He was
married to Miss Jemima BEAL who died some ten years ago. Of this union
ten children were born, nine of whom are still living. Mr. RIVES for
many years was a resident of the Barr vicinity where he became an extensive
land owner and where he was recognized as a successful farmer and stock
raiser. A few years ago his advanced age and failing vitality caused him
to move to Greenfield, but his health did not improve so he was taken to
Alton where he made his home for a time with his son, S.C. RIVES,
but his condition gradually growing more feeble he was taken to the Nazareth
Home where he could be better cared for and receive proper medical treatment,
and where he died; Mr. RIVES was a man who was widely known
throughout this section, honorable in his dealings with his fellow man and one who
was held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends. His body was brought
in this city on Tuesday and taken to the old family home in Barr Township.
Funeral services were conducted at Asbury church yesterday morning
at 11 o'clock. the interment taking place in the adjoining cemetery.
Note: "Jemima BEAL should be Jemima DEAL." --Ruthann Rives Hellemeyer, Great Granddaughter
Submitted 2007 by Ruthann Rives Hellemeyer
Name of Newspaper: Argus
Date of Obituary: Sept. 13, 1912
Obituary: Mrs. Geo. W. RIVES, one of the old time residents
of the Barr vicinity, died quite suddenly at 7:30 a.m. September 10, from
a stroke of paralysis. Her maiden name was Jemima DEAL, she having
been born March 9, 1838, in North Hampton county, Pennsylvania. She was
united in marriage to Geo. W. RIVES January 26, 1860, the fruits
of the union being ten children; Charles P., of Bunker Hill, Ill.; William
H., deceased; James L., of Paris, Mo.; Augustus M., of Shipman, Ill.; George
E., of Rock-bridge, Ill.; Leonora Estel a at home; John E., Harry E., Everett
A. and Stephen C., all of the Barr neighborhood. Besides eleven grandchildren
and two great grandchildren she leaves two sisters and four brothers, namely:
Mrs. Mary E. HINCKLE, of Palmyra, Ill.; Mrs. Lucy HINTON,
of Morrisonville, Ill.; George DEAL, of Riverton, Ill.; David DEAL,
of Zenobia, Ill., and Rev. Francis DEAL of Los Angeles, Cal. She
was converted in the year 1865 and united with the M.E. church at Asbury,
where she continued her membership until she was called from earth. She
was a kind and devoted mother, a loving and faithful wife and a good neighbor
and will be greatly missed by those who knew her. Funeral services were
conducted at the Asbury church, September 12, at 11 a.m. The
interment was in the adjoining cemetery.
Submitted 2006 by Matthew Ferricks
Name of Newspaper: Girard Gazette
Date of Obituary: June 18, 1903
Obituary: John F. ROACH Dead. Dies Suddenly While Seated in Chair.
Our citizens were sadly shocked Tuesday afternoon, June 16th 1903, when the
report was phoned over the city that one of our oldest and most highly
respected citizens John F. ROACH, a director in the Peoples bank
had died suddenly from heart failure while seated in a chair in the bank.
His death occurred at 4 o'clock. He a few moments before death spoke to
Mr. Edward LITTLEPAGE, who was at the tellers window settling the
days business with the two banks. Mr. ROACH asked the question:
where did you do business at today? The old bank had moved their safe to
their new building was the reason for the question. Mr. LITTLEPAGE
ruined his head to make reply to the question when he saw Mr. ROACH'S
head fall back on the chair in which he was seated. LITTLEPAGE called
Mr. WELLS, they laid him down on the floor, holding his head in
their arms. He made a feeble attempt to throw up, falling, laid back and
died in the arms of the two gentlemen. Death came easy to him. Life's light
went out with the setting sun. He died as he had lived, gentle, peaceful,
without a murmer his spirit took its flight to its haven of rest. The sad
news of his death was carried to his bereft wife by Mr. S. Owen SMITH,
president of the bank. It was truly a sad mission and heart rendering to
inform her of the sudden death of her companion in life. It seemed untrue
for it had not been but a short time since he had left his home. His body
was tenderly born to his home by kind friends and neighbors. He had been
complaining of his heart and during the day had called on Dr. R.S. COWAN,
who made an examination and found his heart to be in bad condition. His
death was no surprise to the doctor as he had informed Mr. ROACH
of his ailment. John F. ROACH was born in Carroll county, Tennessee,
August 16th, 1829. At the time of his death he was 73 years and 10 months
old. His boyhood days were spent in his native state, Tennessee, where
he received a common school education obtaining the same in winter months,
as he was busy in the summer months helping to cultivate tobacco. In 1849,
at the age of twenty-one years he bought a team of oxen and commenced to
brake prairies of Illinois. He broke the ground which the city of Girard
is situated upon. The summer he followed plowing, in the winter teamed.
He was united in marriage to Miss Martha H. CHERRY, November
12, 1852. To this union there were born four children, two of which preceded
the father to the spirit land. Those living to mourn his death are Mary
Etna, wife of Henry LEMON, and James Coy ROACH, both
living near Girard. March 1854 he moved from near Carlinville to Girard, where
he followed farming and stock raising. He was a successful breeder of short
horn and other noted breeds of cattle. He was one of the largest stock
dealers of southern Illinois. During the war he filled large governmental
contracts, and was a noted shipper to St. Louis and Chicago markets. He
had accumulated much land and was prominently connected with the banking
interests of Girard. He had been at one time president of the Girard bank.
At the organization of the Peoples bank he was made president, which position
he kept until he asked to be relieved on account of old age. At the time
of his death he was director of the Peoples bank, and made the bank his
headquarters when in town. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church, and loved its teachings. He was a loyal member active in his church,
ever ready to advance its cause. In his death Girard loses one of its oldest
citizens, his wife a true, faithful husband, and the family a loving father.
His funeral occurred today at 2 p.m. from the Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Rev. R.D. MILLER of Petersburg, Ill., and Rev. B. BERRYHILL,
pastor, conducted the funeral services. The church failed to hold even
his friends from abroad, many stood in the church yard. The remains was
followed to Girard cemetery by a large procession of friends.
The pall bearers were John BEEBY, W.S. GARRETSON,
Submitted 2008 by Rick Doty
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Argus
Date of Obituary: 18 Jun 1903
Obituary: Death of John ROACH. The Girard correspondent mentions
the death of John F. ROACH while sitting in his chair at his bank
Tuesday evening. He was one of the older residents of Girard and widely
known in the county. John F. ROACH was born in Carroll county,
Tenn., Aug. 16,1829, his father a native of North Carolina, and with Gen. JACKSON
at New Orleans. The latter removed to this county and died in 1861. John
F. ROACH married Miss Martha H. CHERRY in 1852. Of the
four children but two survive. The son, James McCoy, married a daughter of
Jos. BIRD and lives in Girard. The deceased farmed a little, but
moved into Girard about 1880, and dealt in stock. During the war he had a
large contract to supply the army with beef. As a stock breeder later, he was
very successful, and his breeds of short-horn Durhams were greatly admired.
Aside from looking after his stock farm, he has for a number of years been
engaged in banking, the People's bank being owned mainly by him and Jason
N. MELLVAINE. Although he came from the south, he was always an
anti-slavery man, and used to relate that he enjoyed going eight miles
through a snow storm to vote for FREMONT in '56. His religious school
was the Cumberland Presbyterian and he was a full scholar both in his party
and church. But he was a man of unwavering integrity, and strenuous in
every effort for the benefit of his community.
Submitted 2006 by Matthew Ferricks
Name of Newspaper: Girard Gazette
Date of Obituary: Aug. 16, 1917
Obituary: Martha H. ROACH was born December 11th, 1836 near Scottsville,
Illinois and died at her home in Girard, Illinois August 12th 1917. She was the
daughter of Harvy and Delilah CHERRY who were among the early settlers
of this county. She was united in marriage to John F. ROACH November
14, 1852 of this union four children came to bless their home, two dying
in infancy and the two surviving are Mrs. Mary Etta LEMONS and J.
Coy ROACH, besides these there are 8 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. ROACH were received in the Girard Presbyterian Church
in 1855 and were Charter members of this church. Mrs. ROACH being
the last of the original charter members to respond to her masters call.
Being loyal to Christ and the church, she was a most devoted, active member
always manifesting the keenest interest in its welfare, attending the services
regularly, giving liberally to the support of the church in every way.
Many personal gifts have found their way into the church by her love and
thoughtfulness. A faithful member of the Missionary Society giving a generous
free will offering each year always designating that a part of some be
sent to foreign fields. About two months ago she had a light stroke of
paralysis and has slowly failed since. During her illness she manifested
the most cheerful disposition, being always glad to see her friends and
felt the warmest interest in their welfare. The prominent trait of her
character was kindness and a desire to make others happy. In her home relations,
always contributing to the comfort and pleasure of those around, self sacrificing
even to fault. Her last moments were of peace and quiet, the rich perfume
of her name and life can never be absent from the lives of those who knew
her in her home. Her biography is told briefly and best by saying "She
was a Christian". And to her noble Christian life and Character may
be truly say "It was the end of a perfect day". The funeral services
were held Tuesday afternoon at the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev.
F.W. MCCLUSKY and interment made in the Girard cemetery.
Submitted 2008 by Kay Stein
Name of Newspaper: The Macoupin County Enquirer, Vol. LVII, No.32, p. 10
Date of Obituary: Wednesday, 15 August 1917
Obituary: Mrs. Martha ROACH Buried in Girard. Mrs. Martha H. ROACH,
widow of the late John F. ROACH, who was one of the most successful stock
growers in this section, passed away at her home in Girard Sunday morning, Aug. 12, after an
illness of several weeks duration. Mrs. ROACH, whose maiden name was Martha H.
CHERRY, was a native of Macoupin county, where she was born near Scottville, Dec.
14, 1838. She was a sister of the late Thomas C. CHERRY, the first mayor of the city
of Girard. She was united in marriage to John F. ROACH, Nov. 14, 1852. She was
the mother of four children, two of whom, Mrs. Henry LEMONS of North Otter, and
J. Coy ROACH, of Girard, are surviving. The funeral services were held from the
Cumberland Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. W.
McCLUSKY. Interment was made in Girard cemetery.
Note: "Obituary found on Macoupin County Enquirer microfilm roll # 68 at Carlinville Public Library. The 1838 birthdate is probably incorrect - she was probably born in 1836." -- Kay Stein
Submitted 2006 by Crystal Jensen
Name of Newspaper: Edwardsville Intelligencer
Date of Obituary: Feb 8, 1928
Obituary: Mother of Staunton Postmaster Is Dead. Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Ellen
ROBERTS, aged 81 years 6 months and 3 days, who died at her home at
Staunton yesterday, will be at the residence at 2 P.M. Thursday. Rev. A.M. EELS
of the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church will officiate, with Rev. C.W.F. KING of
Staunton Presbyterian Church assisting. Mrs. ROBERTS was born August 4, 1846
in Wales. She had resided in Staunton many years and was the wife of the late James
ROBERTS. She is survived by three sons and four daughters; George A., Edward,
Thomas of Staunton; Mrs. E. E. KINGHORN of Denver and Mrs. Wm. Bruce,
Miss Minnie BIRD, and Mrs. John W. SMITH, all of Staunton. George
A.ROBERTS is Postmaster at Staunton.
Submitted 1998 by Pam Ripplinger
Name of Newspaper: Staunton Star Times
Date of Obituary: Feb 19, 1931
Obituary: Mrs. Bertha ROBERTSON of near Staunton on Friday morning at
1 o'clock passed away at the St. Francis Hospital at Litchfield. Mrs. ROBERTSON since
about a year ago has been suffering from throat trouble, following an attack
of quinsy, and paralysis developed. She was taken to the St. Francis hospital
for treatment about two weeks before her death. On Wednesday of the past
week she returned home and on Thursday night was again taken to the
hospital, where she died early Friday morning. Pneumonia is given as the cause
of death. Mrs. ROBERTSON was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold FREY
and was born in Kentucky on January 9, 1909, hence attaining an age of 22
years, 1 month and 4 days. Several years ago she was untied in marriage with
Samuel ROBERTSON and of their union a son, now four years old, was born.
The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home of her
parents, three miles north of Staunton, followed by services at the Presbyterian
Church in our city, Rev. J. A. OESCH officiating. Interment was at Memorial
Park. Hymns in connection with the service were sung by the three MAIN
brothers of Gillespie and the pallbearers were Russell STEWART,
George MITCHELL and Gilbert WHITLOW. In addition to her parents,
Mrs. ROBERTOSN is survived by her husband; one son, George Herbert; three brothers, Marshal,
William [note: this is incorrect; should be Will Henry], and Carl, all of this
vicinity; a grandmother, Mrs. Mary GLUR of Girard; a grandfather, Fred
FREY of Pittsburg, Ky.; a great grandmother, Mrs. Jane JUSTIZ [JUSTICE]
of Louisville, Ky., as well as a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The
high esteem in which Mrs. ROBERTSON was held was plainly attested by
the large concourse of friends who gathered to pay her the final tribute of respect.
Submitted 1998 by Pam Ripplinger
Name of Newspaper: Litchfield News-Herald
Date of Obituary: February 4, 1929
Obituary: Benld Man, Native of Scotland, Dies Here. Peter ROBERTSON
of Benld, age 53 years, 4 months and 11 days, a miner employed by Superior
Coal Company at Sawyerville, died at St. Francis Hospital at 7:30 this
morning of an illness of lengthy duration. Mr. ROBERTSON was born
September 24, 1875 at Roseville, Scotland, the son of Samuel ROBERTSON
and Elizabeth NELSON (NEILSON) ROBERTSON. The body
was taken back to Gillespie by the Union Undertaking Firm.
Submitted 2001 by Pam Ripplinger
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: Oct. 16, 1935
Obituary: Funeral services for S. O. ROBERTSON 67, of Palmyra, who died at
5:30 pm Monday in the Macoupin hospital, Carlinville, were held at the First Baptist Church
in Palmyra, at 2 o'clock Wednesday. Rev. P.W. WEBB of Girard officiated and
interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. ROBERTSON was prominent
in Palmyra where he resided the greater part of his life and where he was manager of the
Central Illinois Telephone Company many years. He was active in the Baptist
church, where he served as deacon and superintendent of the Sunday School.
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: Oct., 1935
Obituary: Funeral services for S. O. ROBERTSON, 67, for many years manager
of the Central Illinois Telephone Company here, were being arranged today.
Mr. ROBERTSON died suddenly in Macoupin hospital in Carlinville Monday evening.
He was apparently recovering from blood poison in one hand. His death resulted from a
heart attack, physicians said. He had lived in Palmyra most of his life and was active in the
Baptist Church, serving as a deacon and superintendent of the Sunday School.
He was a bachelor and is survived only by nieces and nephews.
Submitted 2001 by Pam Ripplinger
Name of Newspaper: Gillespie News
Date of Obituary: June 5 1957
Obituary: Samuel ROBERTSON, 107 Western Avenue, Gillespie, died at
4:45 am Sunday, June 2, at St. Francis Hospital, Litchfield, where
he had been a patient for four days. The deceased was born January
23, 1905 in Cowdenbeath, (Fife), Scotland, the son of William and
When he came to the United States, Mr. ROBERTSON secured employment
in the mines and was formerly foreman at Superior Coal Co. Mine No.
3 at Mt. Clare and since its closing was employed at Laclede Steel
in Alton. Surviving are his wife, the former Edna Mae KLIEST, three
sons, George, Belvidere, Kenneth ROBERTSON, with the U. S. Air
Force in Africa and Donald, at home; one daughter, Mrs. Robert
HEYEN, Dorchester and three brothers, James, Detroit, Michigan;
Jack, Cerro Gardo, and William, Clarksburg, West Virginia. Funeral
services were conducted at 2 pm Wednesday, June 5 from the Union
Funeral Home in Gillespie with Rev. Donald L. LOWE officiating.
Burial was in Benld City Cemetery.
Submitted 1998 by Pam Ripplinger
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin Co. Enquirer
Date of Obituary: Dec. 10, 1953
Obituary: William ROBERTSON. Funeral services were held yesterday (Wednesday)
afternoon at Union Funeral home in Benld for William (Willie) ROBERTSON,
69 of Benld, who died at 10:10 Monday morning in Carlinville Area hospital
where he had been a patient for 21 days. The Rev. J. W. WEBSTER, pastor
of Benld Methodist church, officiated and burial was in Benld City Cemetery.
Born Mar. 25, 1884, in Cowdenbeath, Fifeshire, Scotland, Mr. ROBERTSON
was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth NELSON ROBERTSON. He had been a
resident of this country for many years. Mr. ROBERTSON was a retired coal
miner. His wife, Alice Mae, preceded him in death in 1948. He is survived by
four sons, Sam ROBERTSON of Gillespie, James ROBERTSON of Detroit,
Michigan, William ROBERTSON of Clarksburg, W. Va., and Jack Kenneth
ROBERTSON of Cerro Gordo; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth ANDERSON of Benld
and seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild, Pammy.
Submitted 1998 by Dennis Watkins
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: February 12, 1880
Obituary: A Patriarch At Rest - Our venerable townsman whose whitened
locks have been familiar to us for nearly a quarter of a century, has been
'gathered to the fathers.' The sometime impaired mental vision now sees
clearly 'on the other side' we may trust. Dr. Wm. A. ROBERTSON
died at his residence in this city at 15 minutes before 1 on the morning of
Feb. 5th. He was born at Liberty, Bedford County, Va., Oct. 27, 1803.
In 1829 he was married to Ellen CLARK of Kentucky; came to
Illinois in 1830 and settled near Edwardsville. He had previously attended
Lafayette Med. College in Kentucky, but we believe never attempted to practice
medicine. In 1835 he came to Carlinville. In 1845 opened a store and in 1851 gave
up active business. His wife died after he came to Carlinville, and in
1844 he was married to Nancy H. HOLLIDAY, daughter of Charles HOLLIDAY,
who survives him and has five children living. Dr. ROBERTSON was
one of the largest land-owners and wealthiest men in the county. Although
guarded and somewhat eccentric in his benefactions, he was quite liberal
with his abundant means. The funeral services at the M.E. Church Friday
evening were conducted by Rev. Dr. HURD and Rev. BEST,
and attended by a crowded house.
Submitted 2008 by Rick Doty
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 29 Feb 1888
Obituary: Hettick - Died - At his residence, about four miles
West of here, on Sunday evening, Mr. Preston ROBINSON, after a
short illness.
Submitted 2001 by Sue Raffurty McMurry
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer, Carlinville, IL
Date of Obituary: August 9, 1911
Obituary: Was An Old Settler - William ROBINSON, Sr. Had
Lived in this County Since 1852. William ROBINSON, Sr. who died
at his home on East Main street Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, was an
old settler in this county, and had lived in Macoupin since 1852 continuously.
He was born in Yorkshire, England, April 6, 1823 and was therefore aged
88 years, 4 months and 1 day. "Uncle Billy", as he was familiarly
known, learned the trade of a blacksmith in the old country and in 1850,
being then a strapping young smith, he came to America to make his fortune.
He first located at Oriscany, New York state and for two years followed
his trade there, but hearing marvelous stories of the great natural wealth
of what was then the west- Illinois- he came to Chesterfield, this county.
For the next ten years he plied his honest trade in that town, and then
moved to a farm in Bird township in what was then known as the "Kent
Point" neighborhood, now known as Long Point. He established a wayside
blacksmith shop on his farm and worked at his trade when called upon to
mend a wagon or shoe a horse for those who passed that way. In 1883 as
age was coming over him with its enfeebling power, he retired from active
work and moved to Carlinville, and here he remained until death took him.
Mr. ROBINSON, joined the Long Point Methodist church soon after
its organization, and was a consistent member until he moved to Carlinville,
when he affiliated with the local M.E. church by letter and had since been
a member thereof. He was an honest, conscientious man, a good husband
and father, a kind neighbor and a good citizen. Mrs. ROBINSON,
wife of the deceased, passed into the Great Beyond July 27, 1902, leaving
her aged companion to linger here for a while alone except for the loving
ministrations of their children, who are: William, Jr., Mrs. Eliza HAYWARD
and Mrs. Eva ADAMS. The two first named are residents of this city
and Mrs. ADAMS lives west of town. Another son died after he had
attained to main's estate. His name was Benjamin. For the past three years
"Uncle Billy" had been an invalid and bedfast. His ailment was senility,
due to his advanced age, and neither the skill of physicians nor nursing
could restore to him the vitality and strength which the years had taken
away. He passed peacefully to his rest and without fear entered into eternity.
Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church Wednesday, August
9 at 2 p.m. Rev. A. B. PECK will preach the sermon and the body
will later be consigned to a tomb in the city cemetery.
Submitted 1998 by Mary Ann Kaylor
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: August 12, 1897
Obituary: Washington - Elizabeth REDMAN was born in Frankford
Co., Indiana September 6, 1822. At the age of 8 she came with her parents
to this county. She was united in marriage to Presley ROBISON on
March 23, 1849. Their children were: William H.; Isaac N.; George C.; James
A.; Marshal; Lona A. and M. Belle. The husband and two of the children
James and Marshall preceded her to the world beyond. In February 1869
she united with the Baptist Church at Bethel and since has been a
faithful member of that church. "Aunt Betty" as she was familiarly called,
has lived in this community a great number of years and has enjoyed good
health until about 6 years ago when she was stricken with paralysis from
which she never fully recovered. About 5 weeks ago she was taken seriously
ill. Everything was done for her relief and comfort by loving hands. She
bore her suffering patiently until Wednesday at 7:45p.m. when she quietly
fell asleep to awake in heaven. She was a true devoted wife, a kind and
loving mother and a good neighbor, always ready to lend a helping hand
in time of need. With her kindness to everyone she endeared herself to
all who knew her. The remains were followed to the Asbury Church on
Thursday morning August 5 by a large concourse of sorrowing fiends. Funeral
services at 10:00a.m. conducted by Rev. FITZGERALD, of Greenfield. The
burial was immediately after in the cemetery nearby. The family has
the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
Submitted 1998 by Mary Ann Kaylor
Name of Newspaper: Greenfield Argus
Date of Obituary: 25 Feb 1888
Obituary: Barr's Store: - Uncle Press ROBISON. We are grieved
to chronicle, departed this life on the 20th last. His death was very sudden,
he being able to attend church Saturday night. The cause of his death was
a cold contracted attending the protracted meeting at Bethel. The funeral
took place from his late residence on Tuesday at 2 o'clock the remains
being interred in the Asbury cemetery.
Submitted 1999 by Patricia Lorenz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 15 Jan 1948
Obituary: Mrs. Olive ROBLEY, 95, died at 7:15 p.m.
Thursday at the home of her son, Lee ROBLEY in Girard
after a short illness. Mrs. ROBLEY was the widow of
Richard P. ROBLEY who died Jan. 22, 1935. She is survived
by a son, Lee ROBLEY, of Girard; two brothers, Warren and
Frank BEEBY, both of Eldred. Funeral services were held at
2 p.m. Sunday at the C. M. Shane funeral home in Girard.
The Rev. E. A. McFARLAND officiated and burial was in
Girard cemetery.
Submitted 2001 by Sue Raffurty McMurry
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin Times
Date of Obituary: January 27, 1870
Obituary: Near Wilmington, Green county, on Wednesday (Jan 19) of
last week, Mr. Joseph FIELDS was on a straw stack for the purpose
of shooting crows, when in sliding down, his gun was discharged, and the
load took effect in the body of Mr. Humphrey RODGERS who was
riding by. Over 200 shots penetrated his body and killed him instantly.
Submitted 2007 by Sharon Haennelt
Name of Newspaper: Virden Reporter
Date of Obituary: 15 Oct 1886
Obituary: ROGERS, John A., the well- known proprietor of the Wild
Rural Park , died at his home at that place on Monday morning, Oct 6th
of dropsy, aged about 48 years. His last request was that he should be
buried with his feet towards the west. the funeral took place on Tuesday
and his wish complied with. The remains were interred at Sulphur
Springs, a mile west of the park.
Submitted 1999 by Patricia Lorenz
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: Wed., May 2, 1928
Obituary: Death of Old Soldier. Mathias ROHR, a veteran of
the Civil war, died at his home on West First North street in Carlinville,
Monday morning, April 30, at 11:15 o'clock. He had reached the advanced
age of 90 years, 8 months and 26 days. The deceased had resided in Carlinville
for 70 years. For nearly 10 years he had been an invalid and was confined
to his home in a wheel chair. He was born in Oldenberg, Germany, and when
about 19 years of age came to America with a Mr. ROGGE. They came
to Carlinville where he has since made his home. He served in the Union
army during the Civil war and a greater part of the time was stationed
at Cairo. He was united in marriage with Miss Dena MEIHER of Carlinville,
in 1866. To this union nine children were born, all of whom survive, namely:
Mrs. Hattie LOGES, Mrs. Tillie SCHUPMANN, John ROHR,
of Carlinville; Frank ROHR, Mrs. Fred A. KALBRIER, of Chicago;
Mrs. Flora CRAWFORD of Alton; Mrs. Lydia CUNNINGHAM, of
Edwardsville; Edward ROHR of Carlinville, and Samuel ROHR of Chicago.
Mrs. ROHR passed away in 1916. Besides the children above named he is
survived by a number of grandchildren. Mr. ROHR was one of our
respected citizens and was well known to many of the older residents of Carlinville
and community who held him in highest esteem. Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon from the house at 2 o'clock and 2:30 o'clock from St.
Paul's Evangelical church. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev.
Walter OTT. The interment was in the city cemetery.
Submitted 2009 by Don Barnard
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: May 21, 1902, Front Page, Column 3
Obituary: Andrew ROSSMAN, one of the oldest residents of
this city, died at his home in the east part of the city, Sunday
morning at 8:30 o'clock, of dropsy, aged 75 years. Mr. ROSSMAN
has been a resident here since 1871, previous to which time he was a
steamboat man and ran on the Mississippi river. He was an old
soldier, having been a member of the 155th Ill. Vol. Inft. Dan
MESSICK Post, of which he was a member, will attend the funeral
in a body and the services will be conducted by them at the cemetery.
Deceased is survived by the widow and one son, Ferdinand, and two daughters,
Mrs. Rudolph RAAB and Mrs. Manning PHELPS. He had a host
of friends in the circle in which he moved,
and his death is universally regretted by many. The sympathy of
the community is extended to the bereaved family.
The funeral of Andrew ROSSMAN occurred from the
Evangelical church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Grand Army
of the Republic attended in a body and had charge of the services at
the grave. Rev. REIMEIER preached the funeral discourse.
The attendance of friends and acquaintances was quite large and the
floral tributes were beautiful. The remains were consigned to the
tomb with the honors of the past. The family has the sympathy of all in their loss.
Note: Andrew ROSSMAN was buried in the Carlinville City Cemetery.
His tombstone reads "Andrew ROSEMAN."
Submitted 2007 by Don Barnard
Name of Newspaper: The Daily Enquirer
Date of Obituary: June 1, 1901
Obituary: Mrs. Gertrude ROSSMAN Dead. Died at the home of
her son, Mathias ROSSMAN, in the third ward, this morning at 3 o'clock,
Mrs. Gertrude ROSSMAN (nee SCHIRMER), aged 82 years, 3 months,
19 days. Mrs. ROSSMAN was a sufferer for a long time from a cancer
being confined to her bed for 5 months. The deceased was born in Hannover,
Germany and emigrated to this country, going to St. Louis, where she met
and married Matthias ROSSMAN, afterwards removing to this City, where she
has resided for the last fifty years. Six children were result
of this union, of whom two survive, Mathias ROSSMANN of this
City, and Mrs. Rosa LAAGER, of Collinsville. There are 27 grandchildren
and seven great grandchildren. Her husband preceded her to the grave about
13 years ago (10 September 1888). The funeral will occur Sunday afternoon
from St. Joseph's Catholic church at 2 o'clock. Interment in the Catholic
Submitted 2007 by Don Barnard
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: Sept. 12, 1888
Obituary: Matthias ROSSMAN, aged 63 years, died at
his home in this city Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Funeral from the residence
at 8 p.m. yesterday. The deceased had just returned from Germany, wither
he had gone for his health.
Submitted 2007 by Don Barnard
Name of Newspaper: Litchfield Herald
Date of Obituary: 2 February 1921
Obituary: Conductor on I.T.S. Killed in Accident. M. C. ROSSMAN
of St. Louis, Mo., employed as a conductor on the I.T.S. out of St. Louis,
died at St. Francis hospital at 9:15 last night from injuries he received
at 7 o'clock yesterday evening at Staunton while coupling cars. He was
crushed between two cars and suffered internal injuries. The accident occurred
two blocks from the station at Staunton. He was immediately brot (sic)
to St. Francis hospital where he died a few minutes afterwards. The deceased
was born at Carlinville and at the time of his death was 34 years of age.
Besides his mother, Mrs. Anna ROSSMAN of St. Louis with whom he
resided, he is survived by five sisters, Mrs. Emma MARIETTA of Carlinville,
Mrs. Stella WILLIAMS of Fort Worth, Texas, Mrs. Kate HYDE,
Dodge City, Kans., Mrs. Lillian GRONEMANN and Mrs. Frieda TARLING
of St. Louis; four brothers August, John and Frank of St. Louis and William
of Panama. Mr. ROSSMAN saw a years service in France during which
time he served as an engineer. An inquest is now being held at Costello's
Undertaking parlor. The remains will be taken to Carlinville some time
this evening where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon from
the residence of his sister, Mrs. MARIETTA. Burial will be in Carlinville
City Cemetery. Mr. ROSSMAN was very well known in Gillespie
and Staunton.
Submitted 2007 by Don Barnard
Name of Newspaper: St. Louis, Post-Dispatch
Date of Obituary: 28 December 1918
Obituary: ROSSMANN - Entered into rest on Friday, Dec.
27, 1918 at 5 a.m., (Mathias) Henry ROSSMANN, beloved husband of
Anna E. ROSSMANN (nee SCHLICHT), our dear father; brother
of Mrs. Rosa LAAGER, and our dear grandfather and father-in-law,
at the age of 62 years. Remains can be seen at the Kron chapel, 2707 North
Grand avenue until Saturday at 10 p.m. Interment Sunday afternoon at Carlinville
City Cemetery.
Submitted 2002 by Chris Grove-Surgis
Name of Newspaper: Daily Enquirer
Date of Obituary: December 1, 1913
Obituary: Dick ROUTZAHN. The many friends of Dick ROUTZAHN,
as he was most popularly known, were shocked at the news of his death, which was
telephoned to this city from his home in Girard, shortly after the noon hour, Friday.
Mr. ROUTZAHN was one of the most extensive stock buyers in the county
and a farmer on a large scale as well. He was one of the most influential citizens of
Girard and was liked by everybody. Mrs. ROUTZAHN has been ill for several
weeks and at one time seriously so, but had gotten much better and had
been in this city since that time. Only Thursday he consulted one of the
leading specialist of Central Illinois and was told he needed a long rest.
He was taken very sick early Friday morning and his sister, Mrs. E. C.
KNOTTS, of this city, left at once for his bedside. Mr. KNOTTS
went to Girard as soon as the word of the death was received. Mr. ROUTZAHN
was a man about 42 years of age, just in the prime of life and his death
is a loss to the community. He is survived by his wife and four children,
one daughter and three sons, the oldest son Lynn, is a student at Blackburn.
Submitted 2000 by Sue McMurry
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: December 1, 1943
Obituary: Brushy Mound Farmer Succumbs to Paralytic Stroke - Rites
for Robert RUSHER, 81, Conducted Sunday at Heinz Funeral
Home - (Died November 25, 1943)
Succumbing to a paralytic stroke, which he suffered at 10
o'clock Sunday morning, Robert RUSHER, well known and
highly respected farmer of Brushy Mound township, expired
at 5:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving day at his home about eight
miles south of Carlinville. Although he lived to be 81
years, 2 months and 5 days of age, he had remained in
fair health, suffering only from the natural infirmities
of old age, and prior to his last illness was able to be
up and about the farm place. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon
at _:30 (?) o'clock at the Heinz Mortuary here, with Rev. L. E.
SUTTON, pastor of the Baptist church of Nilwood,
officiating. Two hymns, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"
and "Jesus Lover of My Soul" were sung by Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence RICE, Miss Dorcas URQUHART, James McPEAK and
Mrs. Anna K. TRABUE. The body was laid to rest in the
Hacke cemetery in Brushy Mound township, with John KILLAM,
Chester WINSON, Clarence RICE, Clinton CAUDLE,
Robert TAYLOR and Tony GRICHNIK serving as pallbearers.
Mr. RUSHER was born in Polk township, Sept. 20, 1862, a
son of William P. and Sarah ADAMS RUSHER. He was a lifelong farmer,
spending part of his earlier life in Montgomery county before returning 41 years ago
to his native county where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a member of the
Primitive Baptist church. Survivors are his sons, William RUSHER, at home, and Ray
RUSHER of Gillespie, 10 grandchildren, and a wide circle of friends.
Submitted 2001 by Joyce McKinnon
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: Oct. 1935
Obituary: Ulysses S. RUSHER, aged 65 years one month and 16
days, passed away Sunday at his home, 3400 Fulton St., Chicago.
The remains were shipped by train to Atwater and were removed
to the Bethel cemetery in Shaws Point township where funeral
services were held Wednesday at 10 a.m. under the gravesite
tent. Rev. Baxter HALE of Carlinville, officiated at the
services. A beautiful solo was sung by Rev. HALE and his
brother. Interment was made in the Bethel cemetery. The
deceased was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob RUSHER. He
was affiliated with the Baptist church and was a member of the
Modern Woodmen of America. He is survived by his wife, Margaret
RUSHER, and four children and one sister.
Submitted 2001 by Joyce McKinnon
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: April 1903
Obituary: Lonie RUSHER, a son of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. RUSHER
of Atwater died April 22, 1903; aged 4 years 3 mo. and 4 days. He was afflicted
with whooping cough from which he died. "Another little lamb has gave.
Another little darling babe is sheltered in the grave God needed more angel
child, Amidst his shining band, And so He bent with loving smile And clasped
our darlings hand." May his rest be sweet.
Note: Walter Lorenzo "Lonie" RUSHER is buried with his father in Bethel cemetery, Shaws Point township, Macoupin Co., IL.
Submitted 2001 by Sue Raffurty McMurry
Name of Newspaper: Daily Enquirer, Carlinville, IL
Date of Obituary: May 13, 1902
Obituary: William J. RUSHER Dead - Expires at His Home Monday,
After a Lingering Illness. William J. RUSHER passed away at his home
in this city Monday afternoon at 5:10 o'clock, after an illness extending
over a period of several years. He was aged 53 years, 8 months and 22 days.
Mr. RUSHER was born in Rockville, Ind., July 20, 1848. When he was
two years of age he came to this city with his parents and had been a resident
of this city ever since. On January 6, 1872, he was married to Miss Jennie
SANDS, to which union two children were born, Mrs. Charles LERITZ,
of Kansas City, and Harry RUSHER, of Memphis, Tenn. His first wife
died, and he married the second time to Miss Nellie BRINK, who survives
him. Two children were born of this union. This second marriage occurred
August 14, 1884. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the
house at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. A. LUCAS, pastor of
the Methodist church, under the auspices of Carlinville Lodge No. 107,
I.O.O.F., of which the deceased was a number. The remains will be taken
to St. Louis Wednesday morning on the 6 o'clock train, where they will
be cremated, according to his request. The deceased was well known in the
city and county, and frequently held positions of trust, at the hands of
the people. He had been a sufferer for years, and for the past three years
has been unable to leave his bed without assistance. His vitality was remarkable,
and attracted widespread attention. Up to the time of dissolution (?) he
retained consciousness. Mr. RUSHER was a member of the Odd Fellows
and Modern Woodmen lodges, and carried $2,000 insurance in the latter order.
Death to him was a sweet relief, as he was conscious that he never could
be cured of his malady. His stricken widow, who stood by him nobly through
all trials, has the sympathy of the entire community.
Submitted 2000 by Kenneth R Doty Jr
Name of Newspaper: Bunker Hill Gazette-News
Date of Obituary: 1 April 1932
Obituary: Mrs. Lena RUST passed away at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward SCHALLER at Dorchester, Ill., Tuesday,
March 29th at 11:45 a.m. age seventy years, four months
and eighteen days. She was born at Dorsey, Ill., the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert BOHLEN and lived in that
community until the year 1882. On October 15,1882,she was
united in marriage with Herman RUST of Staunton, of this
union was born seven children, five boys and two girls.
Mr. RUST passed away and in 1903 Mrs. RUST was united in
marriage to Henry BERTELS, one child, Mrs. Luella KUETHE,
now deceased, was born to this union. Mr. and Mrs. RUST
after their marriage moved to a farm three miles south of
Dorchester, Ill., where she lived until 10 years ago when
she went to live with her daughter and husband Mr. and
Mrs. Ed SCHALLER. Mrs. RUST was a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran church at Dorchester, and was a
member of the Ladies Aid Society, and was held in high
esteem by her many friends and acquaintances. She had only
been ill for about two weeks suffering from LaGrippe
which latter developed into pneumonia. Those left to
mourn the loss are her children Henry RUST, Wm. RUST,
Edward RUST, Frances, now Mrs. Fred BAUER, Otto and Fred,
two other sons and the daughter Luella KUETHE preceded
the mother in death. Funeral services were held Thursday;
March 31, 1932 at 2:00 p.m. from the Evangelical church at
Dorchester, Ill., Rev. L. KREKELER, officiating. The body
was brought here and laid to rest in the Bunker Hill cemetery.
Pallbearers were six nephews Henry, Harry and Herbert SAATHOFF, Henry
and Herman SUHLING and Albert RUST.
Submitted 2000 by Kenneth R Doty Jr
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 14 January 1931
Obituary: Otto John RUST passed away at a Springfield
hospital on Jan.6, 1931 at the age of 33 years, 3 months
and 10 days. He was the youngest son of Herman (deceased)
and Lena RUST and was born on a farm about two and a half
miles south of Dorchester. He had been ailing for several
weeks. After submitting to a surgical operation he passed
away a week later. Several years ago he was married to
Miss Mayme McWILLIAMS of Gillespie. He was confirmed as a
member of the Lutheran church at Gillespie. Most of his
life was spent in and around Dorchester, excepting the
few years he resided in Gillespie. Funeral services were
held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence in
Gillespie, the pastor, Rev. KREKELER officiating. The
Masonic lodge had charge of the services at the grave.
Interment in Mayfield Memorial Park cemetery, near
Carlinville. Those who are left to mourn his demise are
his wife, his aged mother, Mrs. Lena RUST, two sisters,
Mrs. Frances SCHALLER, Mrs. Sophia BAUER; three brothers,
William and Edward of Dorchester and Henry of Granite
City, besides other relatives and friends.
Submitted 2000 by Georgia Ferry
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: November 24, 1915
Obituary: Mrs. Susan RUYLE, aged 80 years and 1 month, died
at the home of her son, William Jefferson JACKSON, in Honey Point
on Sunday morning, November 14, 1914 after an illness of several weeks.
She was a native of Tennessee; but for more than fifty years she has been
residing in this vicinity. She was thrice married, Eli JACKSON and
James Felix RUYLE both having preceded her to the grave. She is survived
by two sons, William Jefferson JACKSON, and Solan JACKSON;
the latter resides in Oklahoma; one daughter, Mrs. Martha HENDRICKS,
of New Athens, IL. The funeral services were conducted at the Honey Point
Baptist Church Tuesday morning, November 16, at 11 0'clock, Rev. J. H.
RICE, of Medora officiating. Interment was in the Corr Cemetery.
Submitted 2002 by Chris Grove Surgis
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: February 27, 1889
Obituary: Died Girard In this city, on last Friday morning, Mrs.
Julia Ann RYAN, aged 86 years and 12 days. Funeral services took
place at the Christian church on Sunday, at 2 p.m., Rev. M. V. KLITZMILLER
officiating. After which the remains were conveyed to the cemetery and
there deposited by the side of her husband, who entered into rest in March
1880. She leaves five boys and two girls, among whom are S. C. RYAN
and Miss Joshua RYAN of this city, who have faithfully watched
at bedside during her long illness, up to the time of her last moments,
the family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
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