Submitted 2002 by Chris Grove-Surgis
Name of Newspaper: Daily Enquirer
Date of Obituary: May 3, 1911
Obituary: Miss Ella SEAMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
SEAMAN, died at the family home near the C. & A. depot, this
city, about 8:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. She was aged 42 years, 1 month
and 1 day, and had been ill only three days. Besides her parents, two brothers,
and two sisters survive the deceased and her death was quite a shock to
her family and friends, by whom she was much loved and highly esteemed.
The funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.
Submitted 1998 by Mary Lusk
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: January 13 1926
Obituary: George Riley SEAMAN died at the home of his sister,
Mrs. William ROGERS in the Third Ward, Tuesday evening at 9:30 o'clock
after an illness of several weeks' duration at the age of 71 years, two
months and eight days. Mr. SEAMAN was born in Carlinville, his parents
being Sylvanus and Nancy SEAMAN both of whom died a number of years
ago. He has always made this city his home. He was a blacksmith by trade
and for many years was employed in the George Siegel foundry and
machine shop. Giving up his work there he was employed at the electric
light and gas plant when owned by W.L. MOUNTS and has been in continuous
service there for thirty-six years. The deceased was a man who nearly everyone
knew and respected and his passing is regretted by all who knew him. He
was unassuming in manner but his influence was always for the better. His
wife preceded him in death and he leaves to mourn his demise, two daughters,
Mrs. Abbie SEAMAN DEEDS of this city and Mrs. Mary STARKWEATHER
of Alton; one sister, Mrs. Millie ROGERS and one brother, Samuel
SEAMAN, both of this city, besides a number of nieces and nephews.
The funeral was held Thursday at 2:30 o'clock at the First Baptist Church
and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The services
were conducted by the pastor Rev. R. T. GASAWAY, assisted by Rev.
Vincent VAN HORN, pastor of the Methodist church. The flower girls
were Eleanor EMRICK, Mrs. O'CONNELL, Harriet CHALLENS,
pallbearers were Albert EMRICK, Albert ROGERS, Irwin COPE,
all fellow employees of the Illinois Power & Light Corporation. Interment
was in the city cemetery.
Submitted 2004 by M Trover
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: March 4, 1908
Obituary: The death of Mrs. Samuel SEAMAN, aged 54 years,
occurred at her home in Third Ward, Tuesday evening, at 7:15 o'clock.
Deceased had been ill for the past eleven months, but partially recovered and
recently became worse again. Everything possible was done for her, but to no
avail, and the end finally came and she passed away peacefully and quietly.
Besides her husband, Mrs. SEAMAN is survived by three children,
Sylvanus, Charles, and Nellie, one daughter Mattie, having died on March 21,
1907. She was a good mother, devoted wife and a faithful member of the
Baptist Church, and has a host of friends who sympathize with the family in
their bereavement. Funeral services will be held from the Baptist Church
Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with interment in the city cemetery.
Note: This is the obituary of Martha J. DAVIS SEAMAN, known to her family as "Mattie". Her age at death is questionable. She was the daughter of Jackson DAVIS and Mary TIPSON. She was buried in Carlinville City Cemetery.
Submitted 1998 by Mary Lusk
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: August 9, 1893
Obituary: Sylvanus SEAMAN, one of the oldest settlers in
Carlinville, died suddenly in this city yesterday. Mr. SEAMAN was
in his 87th year, and was born in Fairfield, Herkamer county, New York.
He had been a resident of this city for fifty-two years. He came to this
state when most of it was a wilderness. The deceased was an old stage coach
driver and drove one of the stages in this county when Joe HOWELL
was postmaster. Mr. SEAMAN was always found on hand to defend his
country having served in the Mexican and Civil Wars. The deceased lives
six children, all of whom reside in this city. The funeral services will
take place from the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. under the auspices
of the G.A.R. post, Dr. J.B. WOLF will officiate.
Submitted 2008 by Rick Doty
Name of Newspaper: Mt.Olive Herald
Date of Obituary: 13 Jun 1914
Obituary: Burt SELF, conductor of the switch engine on the
Wabash, lost his life in a peculiar accident on the No. 15 switch Monday
afternoon. The engine was backing to No. 15, and SELF was riding
on the tank. The jag was going about six miles an hour, when the track
spread and the tank and engine tipped over. There is an embankment along
the track and SELF jumped and tried to get up this embankment, but
the coal from the tender caught him and he was pinned down. Engineer NOONAN
and fireman Theo. HOOG jumped from the engine and escaped injuries.
SELF called for help and directed the men how to get to him. The
top force at No.15 was immediately notified, and rushed to help. SELF
talked from beneath the coal for thirty minutes, but was dead when they
reached him. His body was placed in an ambulance and taken to Becker's
undertaking parlors, and then taken to Litchfield. He was one of the most
popular conductors on the road, and had a large number of warm friends
in Mt.Olive. He leaves a wife and two children.
Submitted 2007 by Carol Cyrus
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 16 Sep 1875
Obituary: Death of Marshall SEWELL. Marshall SEWELL, who for ten or
twelve years has resided in Bunker Hill, died on Tuesday morning last. During
his residence in this county he has taken quite a prominent part in political
matters, and exerted considerable influence in his own and surrounding townships.
For several years he has not been engaged in business, but has been living on his
income. He was over fifty years of age and leaves a family and many friends to mourn
his death. His disease was consumption from which he had been a sufferer for several
Submitted 2004 by Maureen Pierce
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: Unknown
Obituary: Mrs. Catherine SHANAHAN, wife of P.H. SHANAHAN,
passed away at her home in the north part of the city, March 22, 1922,
at 1:15 a.m., after an illness of three weeks from erysipelas at the age
of 49 years, 3 months and 4 days. The deceased was born in Bunker Hill,
December 18, 1872, and at an early age moved with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip CARROLL, deceased, to this place where she spent part
of her life. She was united in marriage to P. H. SHANAHAN at St.
Kivins church in St. Louis, Mo., by the late Father SHEN. She was
of a gentle disposition and kind to all. To know her was to love her. She
leaves to mourn her death, her husband and six children, Irene, Catherine,
Nellie, Frances [should be Frances NELL - not 2 separate names],
Philip, John and Mrs. Dell HUGHES, one brother and two sisters;
Mr. Edward CARROLL of East St. Louis; Mrs. A. LOGEMANN,
and Nellie CARROLL of St. Louis; besides a host of relatives and
friends. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, and the family have the
sympathy of the entire community. The funeral took place from SS. Simon and
Jude's Catholic church in Gillespie, Friday, March 25, 1922. Fr. John CROSSON
officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Holy Cross cemetery
followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The pallbearers
were Richard LONG, Michael BURNS, Michael BERGEN,
Edward CALLAHAN, Pete CAVENY and George CARROLL. The
funeral offerings were many and beautiful. May her soul rest in peace.
Submitted 2004 by Maureen Pierce
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: Newspaper clipping not dated, but he died in February of 1934
Obituary: Patrick SHANAHAN Dead. Patrick SHANAHAN, formerly of
this city, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Catherine DIGMAN in
St. Louis, Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Patrick SHANAHAN was
born in Charleston, Illinois, April 11, 1876, and was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. John SHANAHAN. He was reared on a farm near Gillespie and received
his education in the public schools of this city. About 37 years ago he
was married to Miss Catherine CARROLL, who passed away 14 years
ago. There were six children born to this union, a daughter, Mrs. Charles
LANGE, died 7 years ago, those surviving are: Mrs. Lee DIGMAN,
Mrs. Dell HUGHES, of St. Louis, Mrs. Nellie LAMB of Denver,
Colo., John of St. Louis and Phillip of Denver, Colo. He also leaves five
sisters: Mrs. A. CARROLL, Mrs. Louise FIREHAMMER, Mrs.
Marguerite BARTLETT, Mrs. Martha McEVOY of this city and
Mrs. John MORRISON of St. Louis and one brother, George of Gillespie.
For a number of years Mr. SHANAHAN was the Asst. Superintendent of
the Superior Coal Co. and was loved and respected by the men under him. He was an expert
mining man, and was held in high esteem by the officials of the Superior Coal
Company. Among those from out of town attending the funeral here Monday
were: Mr. and Mrs. Dell HUGHES, Mr. and Mrs. Lee DIGMAN,
Mr. and Mrs. John SHANAHAN, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WIETERS,
Dan GOULD, John CARROLL, John READER, Misses Mary,
Julie and Elizabeth CARROLL, Mrs. John MORRISSEY of St. Louis,
Mike and Kate DENKINS of Venice; John and Edward DUNCAN of
Bunker Hill, Charles LANGE of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Pete CAVENY
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence CAVENY, of Carlinville, Mr. and Mrs. George
CARROLL and daughter of Nashville, Mrs. A. HASSE and Mrs.
Aggett FRITZ, of Staunton. Funeral services were held at the SS.
Simon & Judes church, Rev. Fr. John CROSSON officiating at the
mass. Mgr. E. J. CAHILL, of Litchfield, a cousin of the deceased
delivered the sermon. Two grandsons, Charles LANGE, Jr., and Robert
HUGHES acted as servers. Pallbearers were John NEYLON, Joe
and Barney FLAHERTY. The remains were interred in the Catholic
Submitted 2007 by Carol Cyrus
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 1875
Obituary: Died, at the residence of John SHARP, near Sharpsburg,
Christian County, Illinois, June 20th, 1875, in the seventy-seventh year
of his age, William SHARP. Mr. SHARP was born in Clayboourne
County, Tennessee, June 3d 1799. Was married to Miss Barbara HUNTER,
Oct. 21st, 1818, by whom he raised ten children, five boys and five girls.
He emigrated to Macoupin county, Ill., in the fall of 1836 and two years
afterward sustained perhaps the greatest loss subject to man - that of his
devoted wife. He was afterwards married to his second wife, Elizabeth WILSON,
and removed to Barton County, Missouri, in 1869. His wife being of feeble
health, he returned to Illinois, but contrary to his expectations, she lived but
a short time. Of his last wife he had five children, of whom
two are living. In all he has eleven children who survive him, among whom
are our worthy citizens, John, Henry, and Riley SHARP, who are well
known in this county. The time must come when all will have been said to
exalt the character of any individual of our race. But too much cannot be
said in praiseworthy terms of the character of William SHARP, who
always taught by example what he held to by precept. For forty years he
has been a model for the old and young, being a professor of religion and
a member of the Baptist church, in which he held the position of Deacon
for a number of years. He always had a good word for everybody and a greeting
that none but the pure in heart entertain. His little grand children ever
received the tender caresses of his palsied and feeble hands, and with
what extreme respect did all reverence their "Grandpa". He was
of sterling integrity, and did not wish that any should be idle. He has
walked steadfast like Jacob of old, until his time had come, when "Mysterious
are His ways, whose power Brings forth that unexpected hour, When minds
that never met before Shall meet, unite, and part no more." And now
that his children have been called to part with their dear and aged parent,
who was their shield and protector while young, their friendly adviser
through every affliction, may they be consoled and remember that while
it is theirs to mourn, it is his to be happy in realms above, where sickness
and death never come.
Submitted 2001 by Sue Raffurty McMurry
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin Times
Date of Obituary: January 27, 1870
Obituary: Died - At her residence in Palmyra, Jan. 15th, 1870, after
a short illness, Mrs. Salome W. SHAW, relic of the late F. E. SHAW.
Mrs. SHAW was a true and devoted Christian and friend. She was always
working for the good cause in which she was a member; as a neighbor she
was liked and loved. In sickness she was prompt and attentive. She died
happy, knowing that she had done her duty as a Christian, that she had
fought the good fight. Her death will long be remembered in the hearts of all.
Submitted 1999 by Mary Jansma
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: March, 1932
Obituary: James Syra SHIPLEY, son of Thomas and Phoebe SHIPLEY,
was born in Lincoln county Kentucky, December 23, 1842 and passed away at
the SHIPLEY home, four and one-half miles southeast of Palmyra,
at 12:45 a. m., March 23, 1932, being at the time of his death 89 years and three months
of age. He was one of a large
family of children and his father, having passed away when he was ten years of age, he came
with his mother and brothers and sisters to Morgan county, Illinois in about the year 1857,
the entire trip being made in a one horse wagon, the mother riding in the wagon and the
children walking the entire distance. In 1865 the family bought and moved on a farm near
Palmyra, where Hazel Green School house now stands. On October 15, 1861, he enlisted in
company D. Second Light Artillery at Jacksonville, Illinois and served three years and two
months, being honorably discharged at Memphis, Tennessee on December 30, 1864, having
seen much hard service and being in thirteen states in that time. Uncle Jim as he was lovingly
called liked nothing better in his declining years that to gather a group of children and
grand-children around him and relate experiences of the time he was a soldier boy. On August 23,
1875, he was united in marriage to Sarah E. CRUMP at the CRUMP homestead
in North Otter township and resided on this farm a few years. To this union
eleven children were born, five of whom and Mrs. SHIPLEY preceded him in death.
In the year 1892, the family moved on a farm in the Duncan neighborhood, where Mr.
SHIPLEY resided until his death. When a young man Mr. SHIPLEY
united with the Methodist church but after coming to Palmyra, he
united with the Presbyterian church in Palmyra and was a member there until he was called
by death. He was a devoted husband, a wonderful father and a Christian gentleman, kind to
any one in need, never turning from his door anyone in distress. He was a member of the G.
A. R. and was commander of the Chiles Post at the time it disbanded. Mr. SHIPLEY is
survived by six children, namely, William of Carlinville; Alson and Mrs. Clara BARROW of
Alton; Mrs. Elizabeth HARRIS and the Misses Izuna and Carrie SHIPLEY
all of Palmyra; thirteen grandchildren and one brother Samuel SHIPLEY of Mattoon,
Illinois. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church in Palmyra, Friday,
March 25, 1932 at two p. m. Elder Baxter HALE officiating. The Buy Baird Post of
the American Legion gave him a military funeral which was very impressive. The pallbearers
were five grandsons, Kenneth, James and Loyd SHIPLEY, Christie and Truman
BARROW and a close friend of the family Forrest GOODWIN.
The Honorary pallbearers were, Messers P. E. SPOONER, Louis SMITH,
John ROSS. The flowers were carried by four grand-daughters, the Misses Marie
and Dorothy SHIPLEY, Olive BARROW and Elma HARRIS.
Interment was made in the Oak Hill cemetery.
Cards of Thanks. We wish to thank everyone who so kindly assisted us in the last illness of our father James SHIPLEY. Mr. and Mrs. Grover HARRIS and family.
Submitted 1999 by Mary Jansma
Name of Newspaper: Unknown
Date of Obituary: October, 1926
Obituary: Sarah Elizabeth CRUMP, excellent woman, mother
of large family, laid to rest. Sarah Elizabeth CRUMP was born January 12,
1853 in North Otter Township, Macoupin County, Illinois and was a daughter
of William and Elizabeth CRUMP. Her life until her marriage was
spent on the old CRUMP homestead in North Otter. She was united
in marriage on August 24, 1875 to James SHIPLEY also of North Otter.
To this union were born eleven children. Izuma, Samuel, Carry, Clara, William,
Charlie, Olive, Oliver, Alson, Truman and Elizabeth. Five of these preceded
her in death, six are living. In girlhood she united with the Baptist church
at Buchanan. Later she united with the Presbyterian church at Palmyra where
she still belonged at her death. She died October 2, 1926, at 11:30 p.m.,
at her home near Palmyra. She was a loving wife and a devoted mother and
also a true and devoted Christian. She leaves to mourn their loss, her
husband and six children, William SHIPLEY, Bunker Hill; Alson SHIPLEY,
Palmyra; Carry and Izuma at home; Mrs. Clara BARROW, Granite City;
Mrs Grover HARRIS, Modesto. Fourteen grandchildren and one brother,
Thomas CRUMP, Washington and one sister, Martha HOWARD, of
Arkansas also a host of other relative and friends. Funeral services were
held in the Presbyterian church Tuesday conducted by Rev. V. E. KING.
The body was laid to rest in the Oak Hill cemetery.
Submitted 2007 by M Trover
Name of Newspaper: Girard Gazette
Date of Obituary: Dec. 1915
Obituary: Henry SHOWALTER Dies. The children of Henry SHOWALTER
residing in this city, received word last Friday night of the death of their father, which
occurred at his home in McPherson, Kansas, Friday, December 31st. The following left
Saturday for McPherson to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. John FREY
and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CLEAR and daughter, and Mrs. Vernor
VANIMAN. Henry SHOWALTER was the third child of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel SHOWALTER, and was born near Salem, Virginia, November 28,
1854, and died at his home in McPherson, Kansas on Friday, December 31,
1915, aged 61 years, 1 month, and 3 days. He came to Illinois when a young
man, where he was married to Miss Rinda GIBSON, September 26, 1878.
To this union ten children were born, two sons dying in infancy. He is
survived by his widow and eight children as follows: Mrs. Apheus BRUBAKER,
of Lindsey, California, Mrs. John FREY and Mrs. J. W. CLEAR
of Girard, IL, Mrs. Vernor VANIMAN of Virden, Mrs. Rufus GARST
of Fredonia, Kansas, Milton SHOWALTER of Bakersfield, California,
Clarence and Dale who reside at home. Also two sisters Mrs. Katherine RONK
of Cushing, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Sam WREN of McPherson, Kansas, one
brother Edward SHOWALTER of Salem, Virginia. After his marriage
he went west and engaged if farming for eighteen years when he returned
to Girard, Illinois, and resided on a farm west of the city and later he
moved his family to the GATES farm northeast of Girard and farmed
there until he again decided to go west, this time locating near McPherson,
Kansas. He conducted this farm until six years ago when he moved into a
suburb of McPherson known as College Hill where he was making his home
at the time of his death. His death was due to a complication of diseases
while a severe case of la grippe hastened the end. He apparently had not
completely recovered from the auto accident he suffered about a year ago.
All his life has been spent in the farming business with the exception
of the last six years when he engaged in a general feed store business.
He united with the Church of the Brethren when a young man of which he
was an earnest and devoted member. He was a kind father and devoted husband
and will be greatly missed in his home, church and community. The funeral
services were held at McPherson, Kansas, on Monday, Jan. 3, and
interment made in the cemetery at that place.
Submitted 2007 by M Trover
Name of Newspaper: The State Journal
Date of Obituary: Thursday, Jan. 9, 1927
Obituary: Girard, IL - Mrs. Rinda GIBSON SHOWALTER died Wednesday
at her home in McPherson, Kansas,
according to word received in this city. Mrs. SHOWALTER was a former
local resident, having been born and reared in this community. She was
the daughter of Cullen C. and Nancy DAUGHERTY GIBSON. Born in Morgan
County, Illinois, she came with her family to Macoupin County in 1864.
They settled in Girard, where she was married to Henry SHOWALTER.
They resided here a few years after their marriage, later removing to Kansas.
They returned to this city and again returned to Kansas to make their home.
She is survived by two sons, Dale and Milton, at home; and the following
daughters, Mrs. Ella FREY of this city, who was with her when she
died; Mrs. Nora VANIMAN, Champaign, Illinois; Mrs. Nettie GARST,
Wichita, Kansas; and Mrs. Minnie BRUBAKER, California. Her husband
Henry SHOWALTER, two sons, and one daughter, Mrs. Grace CLEAR, of
this city, preceded her in death. Four sisters and three brothers survive:
Mrs. John STOWE and Mrs. Sarah GARST of this city; Mrs. James
WIRT, Virden; Mrs. Frank GATES, Carlinville; Henry GIBSON,
Hot Springs, Arkansas; Cullen Q. GIBSON, Springfield; and George
GIBSON, Girard.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 29 January 1948
Obituary: Alonzo Meshach SHULTZ was born at Petersburg,
Maryland Jan 1, 1856; died at his home in Shipman,
Ill., May 28, 1931 age 75 years, 4 months, 23 days. He
was born son of Meshach SHULTZ and Charlotte
(AUGUSTINE) SHULTZ. He attended the public school at
Grantsville., Md., and at the age of 13 was confirmed
and made a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church at
Grantsville. At the age of 14 he moved with his parents,
brothers and sisters to Shipman, Ill., where he continued
his schooling. He remained on the farm with his father
until 24 years old, when for three years he was engaged
in the milling business which he sold and purchased a farm
on which he remained for 29 years. On July 12, 1879 he
was united in marriage to Margaret MITCHELL. To them
there was born five children - Lottie Mae FRENCH,
Umatilla, Florida; Otis, who died in infancy; Florence,
at home; Orval and Ada BRUEGGEMAN, near Shipman. His wife
died July 17, 1891, and on July 20, 1892 he was married
to Belle UTT. To this union were born two children,
Lester, who died in infancy, and Bertha, at home. Mrs.
SHULTZ preceded him in death Dec. 10, 1925. There are
eight grandchildren. Besides the children and
grandchildren, there are one brother and three sisters -
H. J. SHULTZ of Shipman; Mrs. Jennie FISHER of St.
Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Alice MILLER of Carlinville, Ill., and
Mrs. Cora DODSON of Shipman, Ill., and a host of friends.
Mr. SHULTZ was a member of the Masonic order, and of the
Modern Woodmen, Shipman camp. He was a charter member of
the Shipman Lutheran Church. Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Lutheran church,
conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. O. WALKER.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 8 Nov 1911
Obituary: Mrs. Bailey SHULTZ, one of Macoupin county's
oldest residents, died at her home here Sunday, October
29, at the age of 92 years. "Aunt Catherine, as she was
known the county over, was born in Somerset county, Pa.,
September 8, 1819. Her parents, Valentine and Catherine
SHOCKEY, were children of veterans of the Revolutionary
war. She was married at the age of sixteen, and moved to
the dividing line of Maryland and West Virginia, where
she kept a tavern on the national turnpike while her
husband built ships for the government on the Potomac.
They moved west in 1865 and located at Shipman, where the
husband died in 1871. Mrs. SHULTZ was the mother of nine
children, three still survive and are Mrs. Virginia TRATT
and Miss Belle SHULTZ, both of Shipman, and Mrs. Nick
KAHL of St. Louis, Mrs. SHULTZ was the sister-in-law of
the late J. A. J. and Chauncey SHULTZ, pioneers of St.
Louis, Mo. Mrs. SHULTZ was buried Tuesday afternoon from
the Lutheran Church, Rev. ZERGER officiating. She was
laid to rest reside her husband in the Shipman Cemetery.
The family have the sympathy of the community.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer, Carlinville, IL
Date of Obituary: August 8, 1917
Obituary: Mrs. Charlotte AUGUSTINE SHULTZ, was born April
30, 1835 in Pennsylvania, and was married to Meschech SHULTZ,
Mar 20, 1853. They resided in her native state of Maryland until 1867, when
they removed to a farm northwest of Shipman. In the year of 1891, they
again removed to their home in Shipman. On Dec. 3, 1907 her husband
preceded her to his final resting place, where on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 4 at
5:00 p.m. Mrs. SHULTZ joined him to abide with him where another
separation will not be realized, but where sweet and undisturbed repose
will forever be enjoyed under a Heavenly Father's tender care. To this
union was born eight children, Alonzo, Jennie FISCHER, Frank, Cora
DODSON, Herman, Alice MILLER, and Chesty FASOLD, the
youngest, who died ten years ago next October. She also leaves sixteen
grandchildren and five great grandchildren. We wish to add these sainted
parents enordered by the family the following praiseworthy acts in their
earthly careers, as we find it upon our church records, of which she was
faithful and devoted member. With uniting zeal did this father and mother
labor and give for the founding of a Lutheran church, the one of his early
youth, until April 17, 1872, when their prayers and hopes were realized
by an organization in their own home of 22 charter members and which was
soon followed by the erection of the Lutheran Church which doubtless owes
its existence to his untiring labors. That God has richly rewarded them
for their zeal and devotion to his cause, I need only refer you to the
family who have followed in their footsteps to the House of God. We are
sad today when we recall mother SHULTZ' anxiety to make the improvements
now prophesied and ordered and to see them before passing over the river
and for which she had freely made her offering. But like David of old,
she was not permitted and we humbly bow to the will of the wise disposer
who do all things well. Mother SHULTZ will be sadly missed by all
her sons and daughters, who so much enjoyed their frequent visits with
Mother in her home and who was always glad to see them and sad to see them
depart. But more still, the children of our common Father will sadly miss
our sainted mother in Israel in this earthly home of Gods children where
until the last few weeks, which she spent with her daughter, Jennie, her
seat was never vacant, and her readiness to sympathy and assist was never
known to abate. Her pastor will miss her absence with sadness, though he
has been here but a short time, but long enough to know her value as a
helper by her interested presence.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: February 9, 1921
Obituary: Franklin Snyder SHULTZ was born Jan. 16, 1860 in
Petersburg, Pa. In 1869 his parents moved to Shipman, Ill., where he received
his early education. He married Miss Jessie TALLEY in 1885 and moved
to Independence, Mo., where he was engaged in business. In 1889 they moved
to Arizona where he spent two years, returning to Shipman in 1891 and engaged
in farming. His wife died in 1894. In 1889 he married Miss Maud BLANKENSHIP
of Independence, Mo. Of this marriage, was born one daughter, Helen Maude.
Her coming made one of the happiest families God plants on this earth.
In 1904 he moved to town where he engaged in the feed business from which
he retired in 1919. He was taken sick Jan. 17, 1921 and died in the St. Joseph's
Hospital in Alton, Jan. 29, 1921. He is survived by his wife and
daughter, two brothers and three sisters: A.M. and H. J. SHULTZ
of Shipman, Nancy Jane FISCHER of St. Louis; Cora DODSON
of Bunker Hill and Alice MILLER of Carlinville. He was truly a Godly
man, very much devoted to the church, always present and doing his best
to keep the church and all its agencies in good working order. He could
lead or he could take his place faithfully in the congregation while others
led. He was a benevolent man and used his money and influence freely for
good causes. One among them being the cause for temperance. He was more
than kind and affectionate in his family. he was successful in business.
His influence was felt by all and we are loathe to give him up.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 29 January 1948
Obituary: Herman J. SHULTZ, 83 a retired farmer, died at
11:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of his son, Melville,
at Shipman. He was born Oct. 16, 1864 at Grantsville,
Md., and came to Shipman at the age of 5. He was married
to Winifred SMITH on Sept. 27, 1887 who preceded him in
death. He was a member of the Lutheran church and served
as president of the Macoupin County Farm Bureau for eight
years. He leaves three sons, C. M. of Evansville, Ind.,
Albert and Melville, both of Shipman. Seven grandchildren
and one great grandchild also survives. Funeral services
were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Lutheran church in
Shipman, with the Rev. Marvin C. REICHERT officiating.
Burial was in Shipman Cemetery.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: December 16, 1925
Obituary: Louisa Belle UTT was born Oct. 23, 1857 at Taylorville,
Christian county, Ill., as the daughter of Napoleon UTT and his
wife Sarah (nee PETTY). At the age of 16 years she was received
into the church of her Redeemer being baptized by immersion. She affiliated
with the M. E. church. On July 20, 1892 she was united in marriage to Alonzo
M. SHULTZ. After her marriage she joined the Evangelical Lutheran
church by letter and has been a very faithful member ever since. The Lord
blessed this union with two children, Lester Clarence who passed away at
the tender age of 22 months, and Bertha L. who resides at the parental
home. She was also a wonderful mother to the children of the former marriage
of her husband, namely: Lottie (Mrs. Walter FRENCH), Miss Florence
at home, Orvil and Ada (Mrs. Wesley BRUEGGEMAN). Eight grandchildren
hold in sacred remembrance the grandmother who had been so exceedingly
kind to them. Of her family of eight children, there are only two left
with her passing - Mrs. Freeman HALL and Miss Lily UTT,
both of Carlinville, Il. Mrs. SHULTZ seemed to fail ever since early
last summer but not until six weeks ago, did her condition become grave.
Something had weakened her to such an extent that it was hard for her to
be about. Just a week ago another attack undermined her last strength and
she passed away very peacefully on Dec. 10 at eight minutes to ten in the
morning, at the ripe age of 68 years, one month and 17 days.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: July 16, 1891
Obituary: Without a note of warning death entered the home of A.
M. SHULTZ, Sunday, July 12, and claimed for its own the beloved
wife and mother. Cause of death was heart disease. Maggie S. MITCHELL
was born at Parksville, Mo., June 10, 1860; moved to Macoupin County in
1861; was united in marriage to A. M. SHULTZ July 17, 1879; died
July 12, 1891. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. W. FRASER,
Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Lutheran church, of which Mrs. SHULTZ was
an active member. The deceased leaves a husband and four little children
to morn her loss. To them is extended the sympathy of many friends and neighbors.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: December 4, 1907
Obituary: Meshack SHULTZ an old resident of the county dies
of paralytic stroke. Death has again visited a happy home and claimed as
its victim Meshack SHULTZ, of Shipman, who passed away peacefully
Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. A few days ago he suffered a paralytic stroke
and never rallied. Mr. SHULTZ was one of the prominent citizens
of Macoupin County and will be missed from a vast circle of relatives and
friends. Mr. SHULTZ was born in Somerset County, Pa., May 28, 1831.
He was about five years old when his parents moved to Allegheny County,
Maryland. There he grew to manhood under the mild influence of farm life.
Arriving at years of manhood he was united in marriage in his adopted state
March 20, 1853 to Miss Charlotte AUGUSTINE. The first years of his
married life was spent in Allegheny County, Maryland, and Somerset County,
Pennsylvania, until 1869, when he came to Macoupin county and settled in
Shipman township. He suffered many hardships but by hard work managed to
get ahead, and by continually investing his earnings amassed a vast estate,
owning at one time over 700 acres of land. In 1891 he moved to Shipman
where he resided up to the time of his death. Mr. SHULTZ has held
many offices of trust, being supervisor of Shipman for several terms and
also school director. He was an active member of the Lutheran Church and
a generous supporter of the same. In politics he always affiliated with
the Democratic party and proved to be an able defender of its principles.
During his long residence in Macoupin county Mr. SHULTZ has made
many friends who will be grieved to learn of his death. Six children, besides
the widow, survive. They are A.M., Frank S., and Herman J. SHULTZ,
of Shipman; Mrs. W. A. FISCHER, of St. Louis, Mrs. F. M. DODSON,
of Bunker Hill, and Mrs. Chester H. MILLER, of this city. He also
leaves sixteen grandchildren. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon
at 2'clock from the Lutheran church in Shipman. Interment in the Shipman
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Carlinville Democrat
Date of Obituary: March 3, 1893
Obituary: Grandmother SHULTZ died at the home her daughter,
Mrs. H. (Hulda) KIGHT, Sunday morning Feb 26th. Funeral services
were held in the Lutheran Church Monday at 2 p.m. and conducted by Rev.
G. W. FRASER, pastor in charge. A large number of friends gathered
to pay their last tribute of respect to their aged friend, and the floral
offerings were beautiful. Mrs. Nancy SHULTZ was born in Somerset
Co., Pa. May 19, 1802; was married to Adam SHULTZ in 1818, of which
marriage there were 14 children, 9 sons and 5 daughters, who all reached
ages of maturity. At present 6 sons and 3 daughters survive the deceased.
Adam SHULTZ, the husband, died at Grantsville, Md., where the family
was brought up. The mother and the greater part of the children came to
Illinois in 1865 and has lived here since. Mrs. SHULTZ has been
a member of the German Reform and Lutheran church for over 70 years.
She died in her 91st year, leaving behind her the record of a long, useful
and well spent life. As near as can be estimated the number of decead's
living descendants are about 220. Our worthy townsman, Mr. Meshach SHULTZ,
is a son.
Submitted 2000 by Robert Shultz
Name of Newspaper: Macoupin County Enquirer
Date of Obituary: 14 Dec 1932
Obituary: Winifred SMITH was born in Dolgeville, New
York, Feb. 15, 1867. She attended public schools of
Dolgeville and Coenovia Seminary. She came to Shipman
with her parents in the spring of 1885 and on Sept. 27,
1887 was united in marriage with Herman J. SHULTZ. To
this union four children were born - Clarence M. SHULTZ
of Evansville, Ind.; Gladys SHULTZ KELSEY who departed
this life, July 6 1931 and Albert and Melville of
Shipman. Immediately after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. SHULTZ
moved to Kansas City, Mo. and remained there until
February 1894. Upon returning to Shipman, Mrs. SHULTZ and
her husband united with the Lutheran church on Easter
Sunday of the same spring. Mrs. SHULTZ has ever remained
a consistent and faithful member, giving of her talent
and time to the fullest of ability as long as her health
permitted. Upon returning to Shipman from Kansas City,
Mo., Mr. and Mrs. SHULTZ settled upon Elmview Farm and
there spent the most useful part of their lives,
remaining until November, 1929, at which time they moved
to the village of Shipman and from their present home,
Mrs. SHULTZ departed this life 10 minutes after 10
o'clock the morning of Dec. 5, 1932. She leaves to mourn
her departure, her husband, three sons, several
grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at the Lutheran church
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. O. O.
WALKER. Interment in the village cemetery. Pall bearers
were Messrs. William ADAMS, Sr., W. H. BRUEGGEMAN, Ed
Flower girls were Misses Annabel ARCHER, Marie
Anna WEISS, Dorothy
Submitted 2006 by Rick Doty
Name of Newspaper: Mt.Olive Herald
Date of Obituary: 6 May 1932
Obituary: Mrs. Anna SHUST, for the past 21 years a resident
of our city, died Sunday about noon, after an illness covering a considerable
period of time. She was aged 44 years, ( ? ) months and 20 days. She is
survived by her husband, Joe SHUST, Sr., five daughters, Mrs. Anna
REAGAN of this city; Mrs. Susan MCDONALD and Mrs. Marie BLANK
of St. Louis; Margaret SHUST of Mt.Olive and Elizabeth SHUST
of St. Louis; three sons, Joseph, John and George SHUST of this city;
two grandchildren; 1 brother, John GODA of Barberton, Ohio, and 1 sister
Mrs. Susan TOPOLSKY of Barberton, Ohio. Funeral services
were conducted Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the family residence
and at ( 11 ? ) o'clock at the Holy Trinity church Rev. Father KNAPEREK
officiating. Interment was in the Holy Trinity cemetery. Those from a
distance who attended the funeral were John GODA and son Michael
and Mrs. Susan TOPOLSKY of Barberton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
FISCO and family of Gillespie.
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